Stars Over Alaska (Wild River #4) - Jennifer Snow Page 0,110

girl until I see her again.

His buddy’s last words had replayed in his mind every time he’d sat down to write this. Maybe that was it. Maybe that was what he needed to convey.

Sitting forward, he started again...

Dawson Powell cared about everyone the same and that made him the kind of hero not everyone can be. He didn’t make decisions based on his own heart, but on prioritizing the needs of those around him, a trait that those of us who loved him often didn’t understand...

Levi’s fingers flew over the keyboard, the words spilling out of him now that he was allowing himself to be honest. His best friend may not have been able to be everything to him or to Leslie because he was trying to be everything to everyone...especially the ones who needed him most.

It had taken Levi a long time to understand but he did now.

He finished the speech and hit Print, then rested his head on his hands, his elbows on the desk. “I hope to make you proud, buddy.”

* * *

WALKING INTO THE Wild River Resort the next evening, Leslie could barely feel her legs beneath her. Her heart was about to burst out of her chest and her sweaty palms refused to stay dry, no matter how many times she wiped them on the legs of her dress pants.

Dress pants and blouse. No fancy, sparkly dress. Selena would not approve, but Leslie had to draw the line somewhere when it came to accepting the star’s advice. This was Wild River. Not Hollywood. And she was just an unemployed police officer. Not an actress.

And she knew that wouldn’t matter to Levi.

She took a breath as she stopped in front of the ballroom doors.

This was what she needed to do. No backing out. If she let more time pass between them, she was afraid her heart might close off again, the walls would start to build back up and the possibility of what could be with Levi would disappear.

She didn’t want that.

She wanted Levi.

She opened the door and the sight of the decorated ballroom made her smile. Round tables of eight, adorned with white silk tablecloths, beautiful pale pink flower centerpieces, and candles were placed all around the room. White string lights draped from the ceiling, creating a beautiful, intimate ambience in the large space.

At the front of the room was a podium with a large display screen containing information about the foundation and how to donate and next to it was a large framed photo of Dawson in his state trooper uniform. It wasn’t the posed, serious shot that was featured at his funeral, but a candid shot of him laughing, and it warmed Leslie’s heart.

That was Dawson captured perfectly. Always smiling, always happy... No one could say that Dawson hadn’t enjoyed life. Every aspect of it.

Selena was right. He’d want her and Levi to enjoy their lives too, even if that was together...maybe especially if that was together.

The event wasn’t scheduled to start for another hour and she scanned the otherwise empty room and spotted Levi with a man hooking up the media equipment. She swallowed hard. He looked amazing in jeans and a white T-shirt, his hair messy and uncombed. A scruffy beard that she suspected would be trimmed and combed to perfection by the time the event started, which was soon. She didn’t have much time.

When he turned, she froze, waiting for his expression to settle on one emotion...beyond surprised. Would he be happy to see her? Relieved? Stressed?

His gaze softened and her shoulders sagged in relief as he gave a small wave.

She raised a hand and fought to control the urge to run toward him and jump into his arms.

Damn, those movies Selena had forced her to watch were messing with her brain.

He spoke to the technician, then headed toward her. “Hey...”

“Hey...” Okay, now what? Wait for him to speak first or say something? Confess her love immediately or keep it casual? “This place looks beautiful...” She scanned the room because looking at him and not being in his arms was damn near impossible.

“Yeah, the decorators Mrs. Powell hired did a great job,” he said.

She nodded toward the picture. “Great choice.”

He glanced at it. “I thought so. Really represents his spirit, you know?”

She did know. And right now, seeing all the effort and commitment Levi was putting into this foundation represented his spirit. He’d always preferred being behind the scenes, letting Dawson shine, and he was still doing just that.

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