Starlight Web (Moonshadow Bay #1) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,59

before,” Caitlin said.

Millie nodded. “Last year, you and your boss came to the station to ask about someone who went missing. I remember you and I remember Conjure Ink. You guys do good work.”

We paused as Killian pointed ahead. “There he is.”

I craned my neck, trying to see who it was.

There, sprawled on the ground, was Tad. In my heart, I was relieved. Hank was stronger. He had a better chance of surviving an attack. Tad wouldn’t make it long, if he were being held prisoner. Hank was bigger and stronger, and though human, he had a magical background.

The medics immediately went to work on Tad as Caitlin sought my hand. I squeezed it tight, and in one of those sudden flashes that came with being a witch, I realized that she was in love with him. Caitlin was in love with Tad. I also realized that she had no clue that she felt the way she did. She had buried her feelings, probably due to the fact that she was engaged.

I turned to her, wanting to ease her mind. “He’s still alive.”

She nodded, worrying her lip. “I know, it’s just…”

“He seems so fragile, doesn’t he?” I said, understanding exactly what she was saying. As scared as this shit was making me, I had magic in my bones, and that gave me strength. Just like Caitlin and Killian being shifters provided them with extra strength. But Tad was human, and he was just doing his best at a job he loved. He didn’t have the reserves the rest of us had.

One of the medics began performing CPR. The other medic prepared one of those plastic resuscitators, and then the first medic leaned back as they slipped the seal over Tad’s mouth and began squeezing the bag. A tense few minutes went by and then Tad shuddered and coughed. The medics went through a flurry of checks, listening to his lungs again, and his heart, and then—miracle of miracles—Tad opened his eyes and tried to sit up.

“You stay down,” one of the medics said. They strapped an oxygen mask to his face, placed him on a gurney, and raised it. Another medic began gathering up their equipment off the ground. Tad struggled to tear the mask away. We were all close enough to hear what he had to say.

“Hank,” Tad wheezed. “He’s still in the building.”

“Where?” Millie asked. “Can you tell us where?”

“Basement.” Tad struggled to speak.

It was then I noticed the marks on his face. They were like sucker imprints—as though an octopus had attached itself to his face.

“What the hell are those?” I asked, pointing.

Tad tried to speak, but he couldn’t manage anything else, and he fell back on the gurney, closing his eyes.

“Tad!” Caitlin’s eyes went wide, but the nearest medic rested a hand on her shoulder.

“He’s all right. He’s just very weak. We need to get him to a hospital.”

As they trundled him toward the ambulance—thank gods for wheeled gurneys—we followed in a cluster, with Millie walking next to me.

“If Hank is still in there, he’s in danger,” I said. “Caitlin and I can’t possibly rescue him on our own. We’d end up like Tad, or worse.”

“What do you think attacked him?” Millie asked.

I shook my head. “I don’t know, but—”

“Listen, follow me down to the station. I’ll send out a search and rescue party. But I need to know what my men will be facing before I can decide just who to send.” She shook her head as I tried to protest that waiting might endanger Hank’s life. “I know very well it will put him at risk. But going in unprepared creates an even greater risk factor for everyone involved. I won’t send my people in without at least something to go on. The station’s only ten minutes from here. I’ll meet you there.”

Caitlin and I hurried back to the van. I glanced at her. “Can you drive this thing?”

She nodded. “Yes, I can. But what if Hank escapes while we’re gone?”

“You want to leave the van for him, just in case?” I turned to Killian. “Can you drive us down to the station and then back?”

He nodded. “Call Ari, though. Tell her to stay the hell away from here. You don’t want her coming out here when we’re all gone, and going in to look for you.”

“Good point,” I said, buckling my seat belt. Caitlin climbed in back again, and as we headed toward the main road, I called Ari.

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