Starlet: A Dark Retelling - Cora Kenborn Page 0,66

Noah are an off-screen couple.”

I’m sure he didn’t just say what I think he said. Because that would be peddling the exact kind of shit Reggie did back in Chula Vista. “Excuse me?”

He steps forward, his eyes blazing. “Don’t pull that innocent crap with me. You know how this industry works. These books already have a rabid fanbase. The public will lose their minds when it’s leaked that the on-screen chemistry turned into an off-screen affair.” He says it as if it’s a business transaction. Another dotted line to sign and soul to sell.

“But, we’re not… I mean, I don’t—”

“Not important,” he snaps. “Sex sells, and perception is everything. Fuck him, or don’t fuck him. I don’t care. Just make sure the world thinks you are.” With a slam of the rolled-up script against his palm, he turns to start down the hall.

“Wait!” I have to run to catch up with him, and the minute I grab his arm, he stops, his gaze locking onto my hand. “I’m sort of seeing someone.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “Dominic McCallum?” I don’t answer, and he lets out a clipped laugh. “I suppose I should thank the asshole for bringing you back to Silverline, but that’s where my gratitude ends. I’m sure you’re aware of his unsuccessful attempt at ruining my reputation.” He pauses, waiting for a confirmation.

“Yes, I’m aware.”

“Not only am I president of this studio, I’m responsible for its brand. As the face of Silverline, you are part of that brand. Therefore, what you do and who you do reflects on me. Do we understand each other?”

What I understand is that once I signed that contract, I signed away my life.

“Yeah,” I mumble.

A second later, my shoulders slam against the wall, and Rosten’s bitter, coffee-stained breath fans over my cheek. “Yes, what?”

The determined look in his eyes now gleams with something far darker. “Yes, sir.”

His hold loosens, and he steps back, straightening his suit jacket. “You have a reservation tonight at Amalia under the name Ross Gregory.”


“Do you think I put my real name under reservations, Alexandra?” There’s sharp irritation in his voice. “I like to enjoy a meal, not sit through endless pitches by mediocre screenwriters.”

As he walks away, I’m hit with a thick wall of resignation. None of this is what I want, but it’s what I have to do. Especially now. Rosten has already proven he’s untouchable. Even a public scandal couldn’t shake his foundation.

But me?

Cracks run so deep in mine it’ll only take one rumble for it all to come crashing down. Refusing Rosten risks losing a somewhat tepid alliance with him. It risks him going after Dominic and ruining what little he has left. And it risks me losing everything I’ve ever wanted.

Digging my phone out of my bag, I open my messenger and reread Dominic’s text from this morning.

Don’t like the way we left things on Tuesday. Dinner? I’ll pick you up at eight.

Sighing, I briefly close my eyes before glancing back down and doing what has to be done as static fills my head.

I can’t do dinner tonight. Or any night. I have a date.

The moment Noah and I step out of the limo, paparazzi attack like a swarm of killer bees. There’s no doubt in my mind someone at Silverline tipped them off, making sure they were lying in wait to immortalize the hot, new couple’s first outing.

And no one knows about the movie yet.

The whole thing turns my stomach.

Noah plays his role with startling authenticity, and if I were any other female on the face of the Earth, I’d swoon. The man is classically gorgeous with a sculpted jawline, thick dirty blond hair, and a smile able to disintegrate panties.

And here I am, the lucky girl on his arm, pining away for another man.

“Ross Gregory,” he says, nodding at the maître d.

“Rosten’s going to be mad we didn’t talk to the press,” I whisper as we’re ushered to a private table near the back. At least he picked an upscale restaurant where, other than the occasional whisper, the clientele is unimpressed by our presence.

“Fuck Rosten,” Noah growls, pulling out my chair before taking his own seat.

Amalia is swanky. Dark and mysterious with crystal as far as the eye can see. Access is by reservation only, and if you’re not an A-lister, good luck. You’re more likely to acquire a day trip to the moon. Everything is beautiful, from the ambiance to the view.

And I’m miserable.

Noah orders, waiting until the waiter disappears before letting Copyright 2016 - 2024