Starlet: A Dark Retelling - Cora Kenborn Page 0,46

him stand in the middle of the living room with his dick in his hand, but Angel glares at me and gestures to the couch. Instead, he opts for the chair directly across from her.

I slump down on the far end of the couch, raising an eyebrow as Angel stands in front of me, rubbing her palms down her jeans. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Yeah, whiskey would be great,” I grumble.

If I’m about to go to jail, I’m going lit as fuck.

She cuts her eyes at me. “I was talking to him.”

Rubio watches our exchange, his index finger tapping his lips. “No, thank you. I can’t stay long. Would you mind if we spoke privately?”

“This is my house, Rubio. Get to talking or get the fu—”

Angel holds up a hand, stopping me. “I’d like Dominic to stay.”

I fight a smirk. Or is it a smile? Hell, I don’t know. Whatever it is, it needs to stop. Angel Smith is just a paycheck. Nothing more. This is the end of the line for us. I got what I needed and so did she. After this, she’s on her own. I have my own shit to deal with.

Rubio’s not happy, but he nods and continues because there’s not a lot he can do about it. “To be honest, Miss Romanov, I came here because the department is rather speechless over what’s unfolded over the last couple of weeks.”

Angel nods, sinking down beside me. “Join the club.”

“How is it that you’ve been right under our noses for fifteen years?” he asks.

It’s a leading question. A classic confidence rattler. I should know; I fucking invented them. I’ve clearly underestimated him.

“I mean, this is the age of media,” he continues, leaning forward. “During every milestone, news sources around the world ran countless stories about the murders”—giving a dramatic pause, he gestures toward Angel—“and about you. How is it that none of that prompted you to come forward? How is it that only when a million-dollar reward came into play, did you suddenly want to step back into the spotlight?”


Sweat starts to bead across my forehead, and I can’t even risk a look over at her. Rubio is watching us too carefully. His dark eyes are narrowed, ready to catch any sign of a convoluted conspiracy.

Angel lets out a soft breath and swallows hard. That’s not good. I clench my jaw, watching as Rubio stares relentlessly at her. Almost as if he can glare the truth out of her. Hell, maybe he can. She’s an actress by trade, but a cocktail waitress by force. Maybe she’s rusty. It’s a fifty-fifty shot she can pull this off.

“Detective Rubio,” she says slowly, and I brace myself for what’s coming. “I’ve been on my own since I was sixteen years old. The group home I ran from is the only family I’ve ever known. Life hasn’t been kind to me.”

He regards her silently for a moment. “Interestingly enough, Angel Smith tried her hand at acting. Jade Saxton was it? So close yet so far. Especially when Mr. McCallum ruined your chances at stardom. I’d say he owed you one, wouldn’t you?”

Someone’s done their homework. I hope Angel pulls something out of her ass right about now because I have an aversion to steel bars.

“I don’t like what you’re implying, detective,” she snaps. “Until Dominic walked into my bar to interview another woman, we’d never seen each other before. Our chance meeting was the work of fate, not opportunity.” Her gaze remains stoic as she adds, “And in case you weren’t aware, let me be clear about something.”

What the fuck?

The sheer force of her tone is so passionate, I can’t not look at her. And when I do, I find a steely, unwavering confidence. Rubio and I are both so caught up in her spell, I don’t think either of us take a breath until she speaks again.

“I have no idea what is going on, or why I have no memory of being the person Dominic suspected me to be, but there is no disputing scientific evidence. DNA testing has proven with one-hundred percent accuracy that I am Alexandra Romanov. Do I remember my childhood, or the horrific crime that happened to my family? No, Detective Rubio, I don’t. And for that, I am extremely thankful.”

He takes it all in with a smirk. “So, you want us to believe you’ve just conveniently forgotten your life as Alexandra Romanov?”

Angel calmly folds her hands together and leans forward. “Do you Copyright 2016 - 2024