Starcrossed - By Josephine Angelini Page 0,163

and had to take a breath. “Anyway, I have to get rid of it before he wakes up and finds it. He’s been through too much already.”

Lucas balled his right hand into a fist and shoved it into his pocket. Helen had never seen him make that gesture before, and she realized he was doing it to stop himself from taking her hand.

“Let’s go, then,” Lucas said, turning his face away from hers.

“But I thought you and I were staying away from each other?” She broke off awkwardly.

Lucas shook his head decisively. “Creon had Pandora drag Daphne to that beach because he was going to take her off this island by boat. Which means he was supposed to rendezvous with someone out there on the water,” Lucas said, his expression steely. “When they realize that Creon is missing, they’re going to come looking for him, and when they don’t find him they’re going to come looking for Daphne—and then you. You’re in more danger now than you ever were and I don’t care how hard it is on either of us. I’m not letting you out of my sight for a second.”

“Well, what are we supposed to do then?” she nearly cried out, throwing her hands up in surrender. She had reached the end of her emotional and physical tether.

“Come on,” Lucas said grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room. Everyone turned and looked at them, but they were too overwhelmed by the losses they had suffered to pay much attention to Helen’s outburst.

“I’m taking her home and staying there to watch over her,” Lucas barked at Ariadne, who was weeping quietly in a chair. As soon as they were outside they leapt in unison into the night sky.

The cold air was like a slap in the face. It knocked Helen out of her confused state and she realized that no matter what she had been through that day, Lucas had been through far worse. It was time to stop feeling sorry for herself and pay attention to him.

Moments later, they landed on Helen’s widow’s walk, and Lucas turned to her with an empty face, letting go of her hand.

“Go in. I’ll be fine up here,” he whispered. Helen took a step closer to him, but he just shook his head.

“I can’t come in,” he whispered, his voice breaking hopelessly. “I’ve lost too much today. I’m not strong enough.”

“I know,” she said. “I’m so sorry, Lucas.”

Helen wrapped her arms around his shoulders, wanting nothing but to console him. She held on to him, propping him up until Lucas was strong enough to stand on his own again. He eased himself away from Helen and gave her a small smile to let her know that he was better.

“Wait here a sec. I have to let my dad know I’m home.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Lucas promised.

Helen flew down to the front yard and noticed that Kate’s car was still parked in the driveway. She landed and went in the front door, not at all sure what she was going to say or do. She found her dad sleeping on the couch in the living room, sat down next to him, and shook him gently until he woke. Jerry looked relieved for about two seconds, then sat up and sighed at Helen in disappointment.

“You know what you put me through, right?” he asked, heartbroken. Helen felt so guilty she couldn’t meet his eyes. She just nodded her head. “You’d better start explaining.”

Helen thought about how so many people in her life already knew what she was, and for just a moment she considered telling her father everything. But if she opened that can of worms she’d also have to tell him Daphne was back, and she couldn’t bring herself to do that. Not after she had finally released him from his unnatural attachment to her. For the first time in almost two decades, Jerry had the chance to have a real life with a woman who actually loved him in return. Helen wouldn’t allow anything to endanger that.

“I can’t, Dad. At least I can’t right now. I guess I could make up an excuse, but it would be a lie,” Helen said hopelessly as she rubbed her hands over her tired face and aching skull. “And I don’t ever want to lie to you.”

“Is this how things are going to be between us now? No trust, no communication, no respect?”

“No, Dad. Don’t even say that,” Helen said shaking her head Copyright 2016 - 2024