Star Witness - By Mallory Kane Page 0,51

the erect tips unrelentingly.

“No—” he gasped, taking hold of her wrists. His arousal pulsed against her, belying his words.

Harte arched, thrusting upward in unfettered response to her playing with his nipples. It was an unfamiliar, slightly uncomfortable sensation, and yet each touch arrowed straight down to his throbbing arousal.

She peered at him from under her lashes, a seductive smile on her face, and then twisted her wrists out of his clutches. Placing her palms on his chest, she bent and kissed him again.

“Slow down,” he muttered, “or it’s going to all be over.”

“I don’t want to slow down,” she whispered in response. “I want you in me, now.”

“Too soon,” he protested. “You’re not ready.” As he spoke, he slid his hand down over her belly to the slight rise of her mound.

“Yes, I am,” Dani gasped, so turned on by the twin pressures of his hand and his arousal against her that she could barely breathe, much less speak.

When he curled his fingers into the patch of hair that hid her sexual center, then slowly, gently, slid a finger between her soft, sensitized folds, she cried out, certain she was going to faint. He pressed into her, testing her readiness to receive him.

Her thighs tightened involuntarily, whether to hold on to the sensations he was stirring or to slow down the inevitable explosive conclusion, she didn’t know. She was becoming lost in erotic ecstasy.

“Yes, you are,” he whispered.

In answer, she lifted herself and guided him into her. He pushed carefully and steadily until he was buried inside her. She moaned and threw her head back, losing herself in a climax that went on and on.

Harte felt Dani’s delicately intense contractions, and they triggered his own. With his breaths sawing in his throat and his muscles and sinews straining, he came, driving into her welcoming body as she met him, thrust for thrust.

Finally, drained, he collapsed back against the wall and Dani melted, as if boneless, atop him.

Chapter Thirteen

After a long time, Dani felt Harte lift her off him and set her gently down on the fleece blanket, then stretch out beside her. She didn’t open her eyes. She didn’t want to face reality yet. Her entire being was still floating on an ethereal cloud of fantasy.

A fantasy where there were no storms, no thunder, no soaking, pounding rain, where the sun was warm and bright, where no bad guys were chasing her and where the man with whom she’d just shared sweet, erotic sex would still want her once the danger was over. But trying to preserve the fantasy was a fruitless effort. She could feel reality hovering, looking for a way in. The reality of their separate lives—hers as a public defender who had to live on a government salary, and his as an assistant D.A. who was wealthy in his own right. They lived and worked in two different worlds.

Harte spread something over her, the pink hoodie maybe, then slid his arm under her head and shifted so she could rest her head on his shoulder. It helped a little. But reality was still out there, lurking.

She had to open her eyes sometime, and when she did, she’d be defenseless against the surge of regrets that were waiting to hit her. How many mistakes had she made when she let that one careless second pass—that one instant during which she could have made the decision not to kiss him?

First and foremost, she’d exposed herself to him—physically, yes. But also emotionally. The thing she’d vowed not to do. For her, sex was not a casual romp. It was too intimate, too exquisitely satisfying, to take for granted. She never took it lightly and she’d never had regrets.

Until now. Once they got out of here, she knew she’d never be able to face Harte in court again. She could picture him now, standing before the judge in one of his impeccably tailored suits, with his expensive briefcase and a knowing smile as she walked into the courtroom. Her face burned just thinking about it.

She might have been able to work with him if all they’d done was kiss. She’d still be fascinated by him, still be amazed at how one person could be so unrelentingly gorgeous and sexy. But now they’d made love, and Dani knew she’d never be the same. What had been a silly office crush was no longer silly or just a crush to her.

She’d just put herself on a fast track to a broken heart. And Copyright 2016 - 2024