Stages of Grace - By Carey Heywood Page 0,88

to look at him, my Ryan. My life is so different now. My path to where I am today was not easy, but sitting here, next to the man I love, the man who has become my partner and who challenges me to go after what I want in life, I know I’m where I'm supposed be.

“Is this real?” I tease.

He leans down, kisses my forehead, and says, “Yes Grace, very real.”

The End


Stages of Grace

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance...

When facing death, a mourning period is to be expected. But what if it's not a person but a relationship that dies? Grace and her boyfriend Jon have been together for three years. They live together and have shared many beautiful memories. Those memories are what keeps Grace from admitting Jon has changed and is no longer the man she fell in love with.

Afraid of being alone and holding on to something that no longer exists, Grace is a shadow of her former self. Her daily objective is to hide her pain from the world. Then, an unexpected letter sets off a whirlwind of potential life changes. In life, sometimes the hardest thing to do is let go.


I want to thank everyone who helped and encouraged me along this journey. To my first readers, Judy Greco, Kate Dixon (ahem, also, inspiration of the Segway fall!), Amy Surrey, Angelique Miller (your pictures of Cleveland made my month!), Kristy Jamieson (extra thank you, count a million and one!), Sarah Stevenson, Elly Ruzgal, Stephanie Crews, Lisa VanArsdale, your feedback was amazing. Thank you so much!

Sarah Hansen, you make beautiful covers. Thank you for your vision and expertise.

Gareth Young, I don't know where to start. You are one of the most giving people I have ever met. Thank you so much for your time and devotion to contractions.

Vanessa Brown, you are not only Physic but Psychic too. Thank you!

Jennifer Short Benson, your super power should be encouraging authors to their full potential. Thank you for seeing something in me and always willing to happy cry with me.

Helen Boswell, you are amazeballs Thank you so much for always being there for me.

Kristina Radi, my Etsy guru. You are an incredibly talented knitter, and a beautiful person. Thank you for letting me pick your brain on so many times. Your feedback was invaluable. Find her site at

Yesenia Vargas, I trust you with my words. You are not only my editor but my friend.

Heather Robbins at SupaGurl. Thanks to you and all of the blogs that signed up for the Stages of Grace blog tour.

To Melodie Ramone, Nikki Mahood, Karen Bynum, Rachel Walter, Emma Hart, and Ross McCoubrey, your friendship and support mean so much to me. To all of the book blogs/Facebook pages that have given me so much love; Kathy with Romantic Reading escapes, Jeannette and Kris with I Heart Books, Kendall with Book Crazy, Trev with First Class Books, and Jen with Three Chicks and Their Books. Lastly, to Seth, Zach, Aydan and Emma for being okay with cereal for dinner every sometimes, and dealing with my crazy full time.

About the Author

Carey Heywood lives in Richmond, Virginia with her husband, three children, and nine-pound attack Yorkie. In her spare time, she transports her children from one extra-curricular activity to another while maintaining her day job in the world of finance. Right now, she is probably eating Swedish Fish.

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