Stages of Grace - By Carey Heywood Page 0,84

shorts, then brush my teeth and hair before going back out to the pool deck. Kate is knitting while Ryan tells them about our date. When I walk in, Jack is questioning my choice of burger toppings.

"It's really good," I argue.

"Still sounds gross."

"Then don’t eat it."

"Trust me, I won't."

"So did you stay on the boat all night?" Kate asks.

I look at Ryan.

"Well, I know they didn’t come back to Ryan's place."

"Yes, we spent the night on the boat. That's enough about that. Kate, how was your evening?" I say, picking up my knitting.

We all sit around chatting after that, Jack unsuccessfully tries to steer the conversation back to what happened on our date a couple of times. Before long, Ryan and Jack leave. Ryan needs a shower, and Jack is actually in town to check out some real estate.

Kissing me on the cheek, Ryan whispers. "Did you still want to spend the night tonight?"

I nod, blushing. The grin he gives me makes me blush even more. I push him away, laughing. I think he’s left when he hurries back into the room to give me another kiss before leaving.

"That boy is smitten with you."

"You think so?"

"Yes, Grace. I'm certain, and I do believe you feel the same way."

"I do. I feel a bit weird, like it is too soon since I stopped seeing Jon. Did I tell you he texted me that he missed me? How strange is that? As strange as that makes me feel, I can't deny how I feel about Ryan."

"Ryan is wonderful. I can see why you like him."

"But I think I more than like him. What if he doesn’t more than like me?"

"I wouldn’t worry about that, dear. I'm pretty sure he more than likes you."

"I hope you're right."

"You just dropped a stitch, and I know I'm right."

I look down at my knitting. "Will you help me get it back?"

Kate fixes my dropped stitch then pats me on the knee.

"Do you think these are good enough to sell like Jack said?"

"I've seen the stuff they sell in the stores. I know many people prefer handmade. I do. Is this something you would like to do?"

"I don’t know. Maybe."

"I would be sure about it before you do."

"I feel like it would be really cool to be my own boss, not that I don’t like working with Ryan. I do. It's just that now that we're going out on dates—"

"And having sleepovers."

I flush. "And, er, having sleepovers. Will it be weird that he's my boss?"

"I don’t know. I can see if you only knew him that way but you haven’t, and I believe this has been brewing for a while."

"I just keep thinking about it and how cool it would be. I've seen all of these cool things I could try and make. You know, like those scarves that attach at the ends, or maybe hats. Do you think I could make hats?"

"Hats are easy and don’t take very long to make, but won't you be busy spending time with Ryan?"

"I'm sure I will, but maybe I could do this too. I'm getting faster, and I don’t have to look down at my hands as much."

"Well, you seem very comfortable making scarves. Why don’t I teach you how to make a hat when you are done with that one, and what ever happened to the shawl you were working on?"

I set my knitting down and tell Kate I will be right back. Now is the perfect time to give it to her because it’s just the two of us. I hurry to my room to retrieve it. I have it neatly folded and tied with wide white ribbon around it. I hug it to my chest as I walk back onto the lanai.

"Kate?" My voice is shaking.

"Yes, dear?"

"I made this for you. I don’t have much, and you gave me the one thing that I didn’t think I would ever have again: family. I know things were strained with you and my mom. I just wish more than anything that she would have moved past it before, well. It’s just that you have come to mean so much to me, to do so much for me."

Kate reaches out to grab one of my hands. I wipe away a tear with the other.

“I'm happier than I've ever been, and I want you to know it's because of you. I can't imagine what you went through, losing Ronny and then my mom. When you explained that the purpose of Copyright 2016 - 2024