Stages of Grace - By Carey Heywood Page 0,79

out of the water. I can see drips of water coming off of his suit as it clings to him in a mouthwatering way. It’s like he can sense my eyes, and he turns to look back at me. He waves, so I blow him a kiss. Instead of playfully catching it like your average male, Ryan sprints to me and kisses me soundly. When he finishes, Ryan takes in my glazed expression with twinkling eyes and is off again back to the dock.

"You guys are so doing it tonight," Jennifer mumbles to herself.

I feel warm all over at the thought. I check the time again and sigh, thinking it's not moving fast enough. The sound of a little black sports car squealing into their parking lot startles me.

"Da na na na." Jennifer hums “Bad to the Bone.”

"Someone you know?"

"Yep. Jack's back."

Oh, Jack, the partner with a bad case of wanderlust. I wonder if he even knows who I am or that I'm working here. I stand as he approaches us.

Whether he knows who I am or not is quickly answered with a, "So this must be Ryan's girl."

I redden and put out my hand.

Jack instead pulls me into a hug. "Lucky guy."

"Unhand my woman, scoundrel" Ryan walks up grinning.

"You never were good at sharing." Jack releases me and greets Ryan with a light punch on the shoulder.

"This is a surprise. What brings you into town?"

"My oldest, confirmed bachelor best friend meets a girl he can't stop talking about. I was too intrigued not to come see what all of the fuss was about."

I feel like locking myself in the bathroom, I don’t know if I've ever felt this evaluated before. Ryan comes to stand next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I shoot him a confused look, and he shrugs, waiting for the evaluation to be complete.

After another moment, Ryan says, "Well?"

"She's smoking. Well done, you. Sure you won't share?"

My mouth drops.

"No chance."

"Worth a shot."

"I'm still standing here" I add.

"Right. Grace, this is Jack. Jack, this is Grace."

"We've met."

"So really, why are you in town?"

"Bored mainly. Think Kate will mind another for dinner?"

"It will just be the two of you. Grace and I have plans tonight."

"I can call her," I offer, pleased my date is still on.

"That'd be great."

I grab my cell and dial Kate. When I explain, a third time that Jack is in town and would like to come for dinner, my grandmother sounds thrilled.

"Well, that's settled. So, where are you two headed tonight?"

"That's a surprise."

Jack turns to me. "Need a lift home?"

"I already have a ride," I say confused.

"Come on. It’ll give you more time to primp, and I can hang out with Kate."

"I don’t primp."

"Ever?" He seems shocked.

"Well, I guess sometimes." This really is the strangest conversation.

"And for tonight?"

"I have no idea where we are going." I glance up at Ryan. "He said to wear anything I'd like."

"That sounds clothing optional to me."

Who is this guy?

Ryan looks down at me. "It's not that kind of date."

"Bummer. Those are the best kind." He turns to Jennifer. "Still only into chicks?"

"Fraid so."

"So how long will you be in town?"

"Maybe a week. Can I crash in the spare?"

He hesitates. "Sure. In fact, it's almost quitting time. Jennifer, can you close up?"

She nods, and he turns to lead me out of the office. I stop, turning back to grab my purse and wave goodbye to Jennifer before reaching for his hand. Jack pulls out in front of us and speeds off.

"Well he's interesting."

"Jack's a character."

"And a flirt."

"Definitely a flirt. Good thing I asked you out before he got here."


"The girls go for Jack."

"Not for me. Thanks. My friend Nikita would be all over him, besides you have the hot accent."

Ryan relaxes "Hot? Well, when you put it that way."

Jack is parked in front of Kate's house when we pull up.

"So what time are you picking me up?"

"Seven. Feel free to primp."

"Good to know," I say, leaning over to give him a kiss.

He puts his hand on the back of my neck and deepens it. When I pull back, he has a dreamy expression on his face. He looks so cute I give him another quick peck before getting out of the car. I can hear Kate and Jack out by the pool. His voice carries, and I laugh when I realize he's flirting with Kate. I can tell Kate's loving every second of it.

"Hello, Kate. Jack."

"Oh, Grace, dear. Come sit with us. Jack was just telling me Copyright 2016 - 2024