Stages of Grace - By Carey Heywood Page 0,71

created a monster and walks back inside. I smile to myself, and once my row is done, go inside, locking up behind me. I don't knit anymore that evening. Instead, I power up my laptop and check my email to see if I received a response from either of the offices I sent my resume to.

I haven’t. Not wanting to shut my laptop so soon, I start surfing the Internet. I don't have a purpose in mind, randomly going over to Pinterest and pinning or liking things I think are cute or funny. Almost distractedly, I create a board for knitwear, thinking I'll ask Kate to teach me to make some of these things. I’m looking at pictures of knit hats when the photo of a boy in a kayak catches my eye. The water in the picture is smooth, like silk. Maybe he's on a lake. The angle of the photo is of his back. He wears a long-sleeved, green t-shirt under an orange life vest. He has longish hair that just peeks out from the bottom of the knit cap he wears.

I pin the picture, not for the hat but because it reminds me of the day I went kayaking with Ryan. I can still picture the way his arms looked as he paddled in front of me. Curious, I open a new browser and Google Erickson Gulf Water Sports. When the page comes up, there’s a photo of Ryan and someone I assume is Jack on the home page. They both wear polo shirts and visors with the Erickson logo. I click on the picture to enlarge it. They’re both very tan, but working outside, that's to be expected. The person I think might be Jack is blonde and wears sunglasses in the picture. Ryan isn't wearing any and is squinting. I think he is adorable.

Jack is handsome. I can imagine the attention he and Ryan would get if they went out together. Ryan looks to be a couple of inches taller than him, but Ryan is very tall. I shake my head. I've no idea if the person in the photo is Jack or not. I bookmark the page before shutting down my computer. Once in bed, I feel conflicted in my attraction to Ryan. First, part of me is still getting over Jon. Second, in three short days, he is going to be my boss. Third, while he had been very flirty with me the last time I had been here he currently seems less interested.

The next morning, I am up and in the kitchen before Kate. I start the coffee and unload the dishwasher while I wait for it to brew. Kate comes out not long after. We eat bagels with cream cheese by the pool. Then she asks what my plans for the day are.

"I'm going to go buy a few new swim suits today. Would you like to come?"

"No, thank you, dear. But I did make a hair appointment if you could drop me off on your way."

"Of course. What are you having done?"

"Just a trim. My hairdresser is an old friend. We mainly gossip."

"Maybe I could get her to trim my hair, get rid of my split ends."

"I can call Michelle and see if she can fit you in today."

"That would be great."

Kate's hairdresser is able to squeeze me in before Kate. After my cut, I go to the mall and plan to pick Kate up on my way back. Michelle is a hoot. She's a tall, leggy blonde with a salon out of her house. She gives me a razor trim, and I love the way it turns out. She recommends a hair serum I can use while I work out on the gulf to help minimize future damage. I play with my hair as I drive to the mall, loving how light and soft it feels. I have to check the directory to find the suit shop. I don’t stay there long. All of the suits are too skimpy or fancy to work in.

I find another directory, and this time go to a sports store. I buy three one-piece suits and a couple of sports bra styled, two-piece suits. When I get back to Michelle's, Kate's hair is almost done. Both Kate and Michelle want to see my new suits, so I run back to my car to grab the bag. Holding each one up as they ohhh and ahhh over them.

"You should have picked something a little sexier Copyright 2016 - 2024