Stages of Grace - By Carey Heywood Page 0,36

should probably do your front and legs."

Yes, that is a good idea, I think, taking the bottle from him to finish up before putting my shirt back on. Per his recommendation, I am wearing simple sneakers.

"Should I bring anything?"

"Nope. I've got it covered."

Kate tells us to have fun, winking at me, and asks if we will be home by dinner. Ryan says he wouldn’t dream of eating anywhere else, which makes Kate happy. As we walk up to his Wrangler, I grin when I see two kayaks on his roof. I have always wanted to try this.

"So where are you taking me?"

"Someplace wet," Ryan laughs.

"Silly Kiwi."

"Hey, well done!"

"I thought you were crazy when you said it," I admit.

We’ve been in the car sometime before I groan "I forgot my sunglasses."

"Not a problem" Ryan says, reaching to the floor board behind me, producing a worn looking baseball cap and hands it to me.

I flip the visor mirror open and put it on, pulling my pony tail through the opening in the back. The hat is huge on me.

"Is it okay if I adjust it?" Jon had gotten angry at me once when I had done that to one of his hats without asking first.

Ryan gives me a strange look and nods.

The hat has a strap you can use to tighten it with on the back. I make it as small as I can. It is still a bit big on me but will work. Once I have my hair pulled through, I turn to Ryan and smile. He laughs, pushing the bill down so I can’t see him anymore.

"Hey!" As much as I protest, I have to admit I am drawn to Ryan. Why does that make me feel so guilty?


a transaction, situation, or event regarded in the light of its results

-Merriam Webster

We head west towards St. Petersburg, crossing the Howard Frankland Bridge. Ryan takes me to the dock at his business. It’s called Erickson Gulf Water Sports. We stop by the front office first so he can introduce me to the kids who get folks checked in and manage any release forms and payments. They all seem so young, maybe just out of high school. I’m surprised when a couple of employees seem to recognize my name. Did he talk about me to them? I stand there, politely making small talk, while he carries the kayaks down to the dock. I wave goodbye to everyone when he calls me over.

I hold my breath as he buckles me into a lifejacket. I probably could have done that myself but make no move to stop him. As he is adjusting the strap tighter on one side, our eyes connect and I giggle, making him smile. When he’s finished, he tugs on my vest, making me fall into him. When I gasp, he claims he’s just checking to make sure it's tight enough. He turns his head too quickly for me to tell if he is smiling or not. He holds my kayak flush to the dock as I step into it. I feel so awkward trying to keep my balance, terrified I will tip over. Thankfully, I don’t, and when he passes me the paddle. I'm able to paddle out a couple of feet to give him room to get into his kayak. I can’t help but watch as he does it so easily, much more gracefully than I had. Then, we are off. Ryan is an adorable tour guide, pointing out things along the way.

I have never kayaked before but get the hang of it quickly. One thing I did not expect is how much water drips onto me with each pull of my paddle. Ryan doesn’t get as wet. I try holding the paddle farther from my body, but that doesn’t seem to work. I give up and am just happy that I'm wearing a swimsuit. I wonder if Ryan thinks I'm doing a good job. I think I’m keeping up with him just fine, or is he taking it easy on me?

Ryan suddenly gets very animated and points over to our right. I squint, not seeing anything. I shrug and shake my head but Ryan’s insistent finger continues to point at the water. I look again, just in time to see a large, white something break the surface.

"What is that?" I shriek.

"Don’t be frightened, love. It’s just a manatee," Ryan says, laughing at my reaction.

All I can think of as I watch the manatee slowly sink back under the Copyright 2016 - 2024