Stacking the Deck - Charlie Cochet Page 0,40

into Fitz’s hair as he sucked, licked, and nibbled his way down Fitz’s neck.

“Dolcezza,” Jack whispered into Fitz’s ear, and although Fitz wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, he heard the affection in Jack’s tone, along with the warning that he was close.

“I want you to come.”

Jack buried his face in Fitz’s hair, his growl muffled as he pumped himself into Fitz’s hand, his muscles stiffened as he came. Fitz quickly followed, his hot semen joining Jack’s over his hand as he trembled from his release, his body tight before he all but sank into the couch cushions, and not from Jack’s weight. If Fitz wasn’t careful, he could get used to the feel of Jack on him and the odd sense of peace that washed over him. Having Jack here like this, in his arms, shouldn’t feel as right as it did. As if he’d always been there.

Fitz expected Jack to quickly get off him, either eager to leave or apologize, but he did neither. Instead he nuzzled Fitz’s temple, then placed a tender kiss there, the fingers of his left hand absently stroking Fitz’s hair.

“Your hair is so soft,” Jack murmured, his voice a lovely quiet rumble that warmed Fitz from head to toe. Fitz wouldn’t have taken Jack for a cuddler. “Sorry.” Jack laughed softly. “That’s probably a weird thing to say after what we just did, but I’ve been thinking it for so long, I had to just say it.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I love it.” He pushed himself onto his elbows and met Fitz’s gaze. “Then again, there’s not a whole lot not to like about you.”

Fitz smiled warmly at him. “How do you know? You barely know me.”

“I know you’re not just beautiful, but incredibly smart, talented, strong, and driven.”

“And you know this how?”

Jack’s lips curled up, like he welcomed the challenge. “You weren’t one of the fashion world’s most sought-after hairstylists because of your looks. You’re incredibly talented. I’ve seen your work. Yes, I googled you. More than once.”

“Are you blushing?”

“Shush. You also decided you wanted to open your own business, and you made it happen. You had a dream home in mind, so when the time was right, you made that happen too. Your salon is high-end, but you’re always inviting people who can’t afford you to come see you after hours, where you style them free of charge. When I met you, you were almost in hysterics after a shootout, but not out of fear for your own safety, but because you didn’t know what had happened to your best friend.” Jack placed a little kiss on the tip of Fitz’s nose. “You, Fitz Harlow, are a good person.”

Fitz swallowed hard and fought back the tears that stung the backs of his eyes. No one in his life, other than Laz—and his recently acquired friends—had ever believed that of him.

“Thank you.”

“I never say anything I don’t mean.” Jack’s smile widened. “Unless I’m getting back at Ace for something; then I’ll bullshit with the best of them.”

It should have been strange, lying on the couch with Jack on top of him after giving the guy a hand job, but it wasn’t. He’d never had a guy just be with him, especially after sex.

“Are you uncomfortable?” Jack asked him.

“No. It’s a little intense.”

“I’ll move.” Jack made to get up, but Fitz stopped him.

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it. It’s just… new. Doesn’t this sort of thing happen after the date?”

Jack shifted them so they were lying on their sides facing each other. “How’s that?” His smile reached his eyes, the little creases at the corners very attractive.

“This is nice,” Fitz admitted, splaying his fingers on Jack’s chest. “You’re sticky.” He awkwardly removed his hoodie, then cleaned them both off before tossing it over his shoulder onto the floor. “You said something earlier. In Italian, I think.”

“Oh, um, yeah. It means sweetness.”

Fitz didn’t know why that made him feel so ridiculously happy. “I like that. Do you speak much Italian?”

“I speak seven languages, in addition to English.”

“Seven?” Fitz gaped at him. “Fluently?”

Jack nodded. “Italian, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, and Farsi. The last three I learned during my years of service, the others while I was in school.”


“I have a knack for communication. From an early age, I possessed the ability to retain detailed information after seeing or hearing something, and can duplicate or mimic it. I learn very quickly.”

“And you don’t forget any of it?”

“If I don’t practice something, I might get Copyright 2016 - 2024