Stacking the Deck - Charlie Cochet Page 0,31

key thing for Frank was that his information was safe.

Reaching the table, which was now occupied by their friends, Jack told himself not to panic when he saw Fitz wasn’t there.

“Has anyone seen Fitz? I’ve been trying to get ahold of him.”

“Maybe he went home with that guy he was getting cozy with at the bar,” Mason offered helpfully before Lucky elbowed him in the ribs. “Ow! Damn, darlin’. There a reason you’re stabbing me with your elbow?”

Lucky widened his eyes and tilted his head toward Jack. Subtlety was not something his friends were familiar with.

Mason cringed. “Oh, sorry.”

Laz shook his head. “Fitz would never go home with someone he didn’t know without texting me a picture of the guy and letting me know where he was going. When we started working the runways again, we made a pact to watch each other’s backs. A lot of bad stuff can happen out there.” The last part was murmured, and none of them needed reminding why that was. Red pulled Laz in close and kissed the side of his head.

“What’s going on?” Ryden asked, coming to stand beside Mason.

“We’re worried about Fitz,” Laz replied, tapping away at his phone, most likely sending Fitz another text. “He hasn’t been answering his phone.”

“Oh, um, I know where Fitz is.”

“He’s still here?” Laz asked, his shoulders relaxing.

“Yeah. Sorry, bro, he’s, um, getting cozy with some guy in a booth back there.” Ryden pointed behind him, his eyes filled with concern. Jack really wished everyone would stop apologizing.

“Excuse me.” Jack needed a drink, but first, he needed to see that Fitz was okay. Whatever Fitz’s reason for being with someone else, it was none of Jack’s business. At least he’d have an answer about where they stood. Jack wasn’t one to play games, and he’d mistakenly thought Fitz wasn’t either.

Nearing the table where Ryden said he’d seen Fitz, Jack braced himself. His heart lurched into his throat when he saw Fitz on some guy’s lap, his head bent toward the guy.

“You need something?” the guy asked when he saw Jack.

“No. Nothing.”

Jack had been about to leave when Fitz spoke. “Jack?”

“That’s not my name, gorgeous,” the man holding him purred, “but with a face like that, you can call me anything you want.”

Something was wrong. Fitz sounded… off.

“Fitz?” Jack rounded the table.

“Hey, mind your own business.”

“Fitz, are you all right?”

“Jack?” Fitz sounded groggy, and he seemed to be having trouble keeping his head up. Fuck, something was definitely wrong.

“Keep walking, pal.”

Jack ignored the guy, jerking the table out of the way so he could crouch down beside Fitz. “Fitz, look at me.”

Fitz lolled his head to one side, face flushed, eyes shiny and glazed, pupils blown huge. A sleepy smile spread across his face. “Jack, is… you?” His words slurred together before he closed his eyes and slowly shook his head.

“Yeah, it’s me, sweetheart.” Jack turned to glare at the asshole holding Fitz. “What did you give him?”

“What? Nothing. He was like this when I found him.”

Jack gently slipped one arm under Fitz’s legs, the other behind his back.

“What the fuck are you doing?” The guy grabbed Fitz’s wrist but pulled back quickly when Jack shot him a warning look. Carefully, Jack moved Fitz off the man’s lap and onto the booth seat. He made sure Fitz wasn’t in danger of falling off before turning to the guy, who now stood, shoulders rounded.

“Look at him. He’s clearly been drugged, and instead of getting help, you decided to take advantage of him?”

The guy shrugged. “Not like he said no.”

“He has no idea what the fuck is happening, you son of a bitch!” Jack snapped, punching the guy across the jaw. The man stumbled into a group of men, who set him on his feet, their expressions less than pleasant toward the guy after no doubt hearing the argument.

“What the hell is going on here?” Frank loomed over them, his tree trunk arms crossed over his broad chest.

“This guy just attacked me,” the asshole spat out, wiping the blood from his bottom lip.

Frank’s eyebrows jumped up near his hairline. He pointed to Jack. “This guy?”

“I did,” Jack admitted, seething. “Someone drugged Fitz, and this asshole decided he was going to take advantage.”

Frank moved his gaze to Fitz, who now lay curled up against the back of the rich blue booth seat. The dark expression that crossed Frank’s face had everyone taking a step back. With his fists at his sides, Frank turned to the guy. “What’s the number Copyright 2016 - 2024