Spring Secrets - Allie Boniface Page 0,65

for introductions.

Sienna sat on one end of the row with Dash on the other end and the kids in the middle. Every few minutes he looked over at her and grinned. She grinned back; she couldn’t help it. If anyone had told me six months ago I’d be sitting at a baseball game with a bunch of little kids and a bodybuilder as a chaperone, I’d never have believed it. Life sure was funny that way. She tugged a Panthers baseball hat over her ponytail and hoped London would treat her with the same good fortune.

To her utter surprise, the students sat rapt with wonder as the game began. From the opening pitch to the third out of the fourth inning, they remained silent, only cheering when the Panthers scored two runs in the third. Caleb pressed his hand against her leg every so often, leaning forward in his seat to watch. Silas had his glove positioned against his chest, his gaze on every foul ball. Sometime in the fifth inning, Sienna finally relaxed. She’d spent two sleepless nights worrying about taking the students out of their familiar environment. Turned out she didn’t need to. They were having the time of their lives.

This was a good idea. The sun warmed her face, and she slipped on her sunglasses.

“Miss Cruz?” Dash called down the row. “I’m going to take these two to the bathroom.” He motioned to the twins squirming in their seats.

“Okay, sure.”

“Want anything? Popcorn? Peanuts?”

Caleb jumped up and down. “Yes, please! Peanuts.”

“Silas has a peanut allergy, so, no,” she said as she sat him back down. “But some popcorn would be nice, thanks.”

Dash nodded and directed the twins ahead of him up the stairs. Sienna leaned over to ask Dawn if she needed to use the bathroom too, but at a loud crack from the field, a roar swept over the crowd. Everyone around them leaped to their feet. A Panther had hit a grand slam, and four players made their way around the bases, pumping their fists and waving to the crowd as they crossed home plate. Six—zero, read the flashing neon sign behind the outfield.

“Miss Cruz, did you see that?” Caleb asked, his cheeks flushed with excitement. “A grand slam is very uncommon in a minor league game. Last year the Panthers only had two, and they were both at away games.”

“I did see it, and it was very exciting.” She slipped up her sunglasses and scanned the row. Silas bounced on his tiptoes, the glove still cradled to his chest. Billy and Bailey were climbing back down the stairs with Dash behind them. And Dawn—

Sienna’s gaze lighted on the empty seat beside Silas. Oh, no. Please, no. She’d looked away for thirty seconds. Not even thirty. Her entire body went cold. “Caleb, did you see Dawn leave?”

He shook his head.

“Silas? Do you know where Dawn went?”

His face furrowed for a moment, and then he turned and pointed to a sign that read “Restrooms.”

Sienna pushed her way down the row. “You boys stay right here. Don’t move.” She grabbed Dash’s arm. “Did you see Dawn up there?”

He shook his head. “She’s gone?”

Sienna nodded as panic closed her throat. “Silas thought she went to the bathroom.” She tried to push away all the horrible news stories about abducted children and predators who waited outside public restrooms for children. This is my worst nightmare. She stumbled up the stairs. A stadium filled with two thousand fans and a little girl who didn’t speak.

If anything happened to Dawn, Sienna would never forgive herself. Ever.

Chapter Thirty

“Physical description?” asked the security guard.

Sienna twisted her fingers in the hem of her shirt. “She’s about four feet tall, blonde hair in braids. She was wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans.” Goosebumps covered her arms. She’d been up and down every floor of the stadium, in and out of every women’s room. It was as if Dawn had virtually vanished. “Also, listen, she probably won’t talk to whoever finds her.”

The security guard’s pen stopped moving on his notepad. “I’m sorry?”

“She’s selectively mute. She doesn’t talk.”

He scratched the back of his thick neck. “Ah, okay.” He shoved his notepad into his back pocket and repeated Dawn’s description on his radio. “I’ve got four men here. They’ll scour the place.” He patted Sienna on the arm. “Don’t worry. We’ll find her. She’s probably just looking at stuffed animals in the souvenir shop.”

Sienna tried to draw a full breath and failed. She’d already been through the souvenir shop.

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