Spring (Evermore Academy #2) - Audrey Grey Page 0,120

treasures, there’s a torture chamber and . . . an adjoining bedroom.”

No one questions why one would have a bedroom adjoining a torture chamber.

I frown. “Are you sure you have to do it while I’m in the gauntlet? Maybe I can help somehow.”

“It has to be then, when everyone’s distracted.” Eclipsa sets her fork down on her plate; she hasn’t touched her muffin. “We’ll have to disarm Hellebore’s spells to gain entry, but I happen to know those already. And the spells on the vault shouldn’t be that hard to crack.”

A proud smirk dances across her face.

Of course. Assassins have to be able to break into stuff.

The coffee burns my lips as I take a sip, trying to wrap my head around everything. It all sounds so easy, which is a bit alarming considering how very deadly our plan really is. If they’re caught, they could be executed.

A flash outside my window draws my attention to Jane. She’s armed with my old bow, peering through the glass at our visitors. The twins and Tanner linger near the top of the stairs, watching my friends with curious gazes.

Asher shifts nervously. “Has anyone else noticed we’re slowly being surrounded?”

“Afraid of wee little mortals, Asher?” Eclipsa teases.

“The tiny girl keeps sticking her tongue out at me,” he points out, obviously disturbed by this. “And the other one picks his nose and then eats it.”

“They’re children,” Valerian comments. “All children are odd, but not particularly dangerous.”

Asher stares through narrowed eyes at them. Most Fae rarely encounter children of any kind. Evermore lock their babies away from society, the children raised by lower Fae until they’re in their teens and therefore old enough not to be a nuisance.

I actually totally get that policy right now as I watch Tanner load up his homemade slingshot and point it at Asher’s head. Asher bares his teeth, and Tanner grins in challenge, ready to let his marble fly.

Sweet Baby Jesus, save me.

Before all hell can break loose, Zinnia threatens the kids with a flyswatter and they scatter, growling like the little monsters they are.

As my friends finish their food, I find myself chuckling under my breath. Asher lifts his delicate china mug to his mouth, the cup tiny in his huge paw. Valerian finishes off his third muffin. He’s still eating it with his fork like a psycho—but he gets a pass for now. Even Eclipsa has found something to like; Zinnia brought her an ice-cold glass of sweet tea, and the Lunar assassin took one drink and then downed the entire glass.

I can’t help but think that if these Evermore and my family can find a way to co-exist, then there’s hope for humanity yet. Now all I have to do is win the final gauntlet, expose Hellebore, find a way to keep Mack in school, nab that internship, get over Valerian Sylverfrost, and change the world.

Easy fricking peasy.


I thought the Spring Court Palace and royal estates were overwhelming the last time I visited. But now, with the special event broadcasted to all the courts, the entire place brims with flowers and life.

Daffodils, crocuses, and tulips line the cobblestone paths that weave through the overdone gardens and lush lawns around the estate. Amethyst and butter-yellow wildflowers grow everywhere, and jewel-toned dragonflies flash against a lapis sky so blue it appears fake.

Valerian, Asher, and Eclipsa have already left for the Keepers’ tent to register and then join the festivities. Only the shadows entering the final gauntlet, their Keepers, and royalty are allowed inside the main palace for the event.

The rest of the attending Evermore and students will arrive tomorrow to watch the gauntlet live from a special stadium. The shadow entrants’ Keepers, however, can watch the gauntlet from a special room inside.

If everything goes according to plan, Valerian and Asher will sneak Eclipsa into the palace during the gauntlet tomorrow. While everyone is distracted watching the shadows try not to die, my friends will search for the stolen soulstone and axe shard.

Either will prove Hellebore’s guilt.

As soon as I round a wall of hedges, Magus spots me and trots over. His silky red tail swishes behind him.

Large moss green eyes appraise me. “I heard you entered the gauntlet, Miss Solstice.”

“Surprised?” I ask as he begins to lead me past some sort of game being played by Spring Evermore that involves throwing sprites through hoops high in the air.

“Not in the least,” he admits. His equine ears twitch back as he smiles. “Once one gets used to you doing

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