Spin the Shadows (Dark and Wicked Fae #1) - Cate Corvin Page 0,67

speaking in the Undercity accent again. “What are you doing here, Frost?”

“I’m not here to interfere, if that’s what you’re implying.” Jack’s smirk widened. “I just want the pleasure of watching you take down Titania’s pathetic frat-boy of a son. The whole world will be talking about it soon enough.”

Robin just stared at him with the sort of cool intensity that had probably never been seen on Calder’s face before. “As always…”

“Stay out of your way. Yes, yes, I know. Here’s to watching you win.” Jack saluted him with a hip flask of silver, carved with delicate lines of frost.

Robin stared at him with a coldness to rival Jack’s own, then cocked his head at me. “It’s time, Lyssa.”

He trotted away, hooves clicking, and before I could follow, Jack caught my hand. He held my green fingers up to the light. “Excellent glamour-work.”

“That’s all Robin.” How could Jack create a wasteland of ice around himself, and yet be so warm? His fingers were rough, but he held my hand like it was made of spun glass.

Jack’s eyes ran over my faux face. This close, it was easier to pick out the separate colors in them: glacial white, steel gray, a sliver of frosted blue.

“Your face is much prettier,” he told me abruptly, and released my hand. “Good luck.”

I looked up at him, trying to think of something to say, and finally stepped away. Jack was an anomaly to me; it was better not to dig too deep beneath his ice. My loyalty would always be to Robin.

Still, with every step towards the fake Calder waiting for me, there was a part of me that wanted to step back into Jack’s world of still, silent snow and ice, where the only warmth was what came from his hands and words.

I shook my head like I could shake thoughts of him away as we approached the golem.

This time, the creature bowed obsequiously and moved aside for Calder. “Good evening, sir,” the golem rumbled.

Robin flapped a careless hand. “Yeah, yeah.”

I smiled at the golem and sashayed past, hot on Robin’s heels.

But whereas the golem had practically been scraping the floor for the satyr, the dancers of Myrage had a decidedly different reaction. As soon as Robin’s hooves hit the floor, they turned their backs, putting their all into the other patrons. Not a single one would make eye contact with him as he ascended the stairs.

I caught one of the nephelai dancers giving me a look of pity, and tossed my long hair over my shoulder, preening like I was blessed to be chosen by him.

It was all for Silke’s benefit. The huldra was outside the doors of Brightkin’s lounge again, wearing a white silk suit and scarlet lipstick.

Robin trotted towards her, tossing her a grotesque wink. “Have I told you how nice your ass is today, Silke?”

The huldra didn’t bother to conceal the curl of her lip. “Have I told you how utterly fucking disgusting you are, Calder?”

Damn. If we were in different places, I’d want to be her friend.

“Let me tell you what.” Robin was even managing to slur his accent a little, his voice gravelly, so Calder sounded like he’d already been hitting the bottle and smoking. He jerked his thumb towards the bar. “Let me touch it, just one time, and I’ll get you whatever you want from down there. Huh? How ‘bout it, babe? On the house.”

I gave him a dirty look. Lyssa was pissed her date was so loose and cheap, but there was a thin thread of my own real anger under the act. Just because Robin put me in situations where I had to let my ass get groped didn’t mean I wanted him touching hers.

I also knew I was being totally ridiculous.

Silke just looked away like it sickened her to see him. “I would literally rather die of dehydration. Just go. He’s waiting for you.”

Robin chuckled and slipped a hand around my waist. I smiled vapidly at her while staring daggers. “That’s all right. I’ve got enough wet pussy here.”

Barf. Silke didn’t deign to say anything, waving him on through the door.

So Fionn had been the only one they hadn’t trusted. I supposed both Calder and Brightkin had an ironclad pass to bring anyone they wanted into the room. After all, any danger to Brightkin was a danger to the real Calder.

“Brightkin,” Robin rasped, waddling into the room. “How goes it?”

I stepped in like I owned the place and draped myself across the couch,

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