Spin the Shadows (Dark and Wicked Fae #1) - Cate Corvin Page 0,50

we finally shifted over until we were cuddling, my body spooned around his. He was so tall his feet hung over the edge of the bed, but he didn’t seem to care.

He just pulled the pink comforter over us and held me close, running his free hand over my side, from shoulder to hip.

I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat slow, feeling as warm and happy inside as if I held the sun inside me.

Reason told me to get up and shower, but I was afraid if I got out of bed now, when I came back, he’d be gone. After lusting after this moment for so long, I wasn’t willing to give up a single shred of it.


He paused in stroking my side to toy with a dark brown curl of hair. “Briallen.”

I loved it when he said my first name. He only did it when the walls were down; every single time, it made me feel like he was actually seeing me.

I draped my arm over his broad chest and hugged him tight. “You can walk me home whenever you want.”

My eyelids were already heavy, my system glutted with wine and sex.

I thought I heard Robin chuckle, then I descended into happy dreams, feeling comfortable, safe, and finally held.

An insistent ringing drilled right through the dream I’d been having.

An amazing dream, where there were no lines between boss and agent, and Robin’s large hands ran all over me, his beard scratching my skin…

I cracked an eyelid. My pillow was much warmer than usual, and soft, and… breathing.

I raised my head, a thrill rushing through me all the way down to my toes.

It was no dream at all. He was really here, stark naked in my bed, with my pink comforter pulled over both of us.

Robin reached out and blindly groped for the ringing phone on my nightstand, but his other arm was curled around me. He pulled me back down as he found the phone and answered it, his voice rough with sleep.


Within seconds, all six and a half feet of warm muscle I was curled against went rigid. Robin sat bolt upright, bringing me with him.

“Where?” he asked, no longer sounding sleepy in the slightest. “Right. We’re on our way.”

I jumped out of bed and riffled through my closet for a pair of dark jeans and a black tank top. “What happened, boss?”

He hung up the phone and frowned. I wished I could turn back time five minutes before the phone rang, just so I could put my hands all over his muscular body again. “There’s been another murder.”

“Ghosthand?” I asked breathlessly, tugging my shirt over my head.

He nodded and swung his legs out of the bed, looking both hilariously and awkwardly gigantic in it. His sapphire eyes looked me over as I ran my fingers through my messy hair and pinned it up in a bun.

I saw the moment it descended again, the wall between boss and employee. It was a sudden shock that went over his face, then a grim sort of acceptance, and finally the stone façade he usually wore.

His shuttered gaze said it all: let’s not talk about this now.

I turned my back to give him privacy, swallowing a hint of bitterness and holding on to the glowing warmth of the little sun inside me for a little longer.


The twins were sitting at our chipped table when we emerged from my room, each nursing a cup of coffee along with their hangovers.

They were never up this early. Then I realized why they’d made the exception: the trail of clothes leading from the front door to my bedroom.

Identical evil grins spread across their faces.

“Don’t you say a word,” I hissed as Clove opened his mouth.

Tarragon pursed his lips, holding his mug to his mouth, but his eyes were still sparkling with amusement. “A word about what, Bri? We know the rules: when the apartment’s rockin’, don’t come knockin’.”

“The apartment wasn’t rocking,” I muttered, resisting the urge to rub my temples. Tarragon just raised an eyebrow.

Robin picked up his jacket and dusted it off. Clove watched him with avid fascination, his eyes tracing the lines of Robin’s broad shoulders.

“At least you’ve had a proper lay now,” Tarragon said. He got up from the table and walked around it, holding out a hand to Robin.

I really needed to start giving Robin more credit, despite being Gentry. He didn’t shy away from taking Tarragon’s hand, or look around our small, charmingly battered

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