Spin the Shadows (Dark and Wicked Fae #1) - Cate Corvin Page 0,48

over my cheek to my jaw, his mouth growing rougher as he moved down to my neck.

The edges of his teeth grazed my throat. Little tingles zipped through my nerves when he kissed the vulnerable spot and bit down gently, before running his tongue over the sensitive skin with a groan.

His entire body was pushed up against mine, all sleek muscle and power under the neat suit. I felt his cock pulsing against my lower stomach, but instead of daring to touch it yet, I put my free hand on his broad chest.

It felt like a dream. An amazing, heart-pounding dream I never wanted to wake up from.

He let me unbutton his shirt while he laved his tongue up my neck, tugging the jacket off my shoulders with one hand.

It pooled in front of the door. The next thing I knew I was sliding my fingers over his bare chest, his skin hot and smooth under my touch, and pushing him backwards.

“My room,” I whispered.

Even as I tugged him through the darkened apartment, his fingers danced over me: stroking the nape of my neck, undoing a button here, sliding a strap there.

My shirt fell somewhere in the living room.

Robin pushed me against a wall, his mouth moving down over my breasts. My fingers were shaking as I unbuckled his pants, but the sensation of his tongue sliding over a nipple, making my flesh stiffen, was almost too much to bear.

I reached out and somehow found the door to my bedroom, twisting it open.

We stumbled inside, slamming the door behind us.

There was no time to be embarrassed about the pink blanket on the bed or the photos of Emain Ablach, and me and the twins, my only real friends, strung across the walls; all I had in my head was that Robin was in my apartment, the feel of his mouth emblazoned on my skin like a brand, and he was running his fingers through my curls.

Somewhere in the back of my head was a tiny voice telling me I was making a mistake.

I ignored it, sliding Robin’s shirt off his shoulders and dropping it on the floor.

He had an arm around my waist, the other buried in my hair and holding my face to him. Robin nipped my lower lip, biting down just enough to make me gasp.

The sound seemed to make him hungrier, and he pushed me back onto the bed. I tried to reach for him, but he sat up, hooking his fingers in my pants and rolling them over my hips.

He tugged them off my feet and wrapped his hands around my bare ankles.

My lungs stopped working as he slid his palms up my legs, rounding the curves of my calves and thighs, and gripped my hips with hard fingers.

“Robin.” I gasped his name when he pulled my hips to the edge of the bed and sank between my legs.

The rough sensation of his beard against the inside of my knee sent electricity shooting through me. He kissed there, and moved up, biting each tender spot and forcing my knees further apart with his shoulders.

I gripped the edge of the bed, my back arching upwards.

Just enjoy the dream while it lasts.

Robin moved upwards to kiss my lower stomach, and ran his tongue back down with a groan.

Every nerve in my body jumped when the slick wetness of his tongue parted my pussy. The strength of his hands on my hips almost hurt, but it was a good hurt, an aching contrast to the heat of his mouth on my clit.

My hips arched towards his mouth. Robin ran his tongue over my clit and moved lower, plunging it inside me and swirling it around.

I gripped handfuls of the blanket, digging my nails into the mattress below. I didn’t really give a damn if the twins came home and heard me moaning. Nothing else seemed to matter.

Robin pulled his tongue out of me and sucked my clit again, sending frissons of heat through my abdomen. The sound of his ragged breath and groans was the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard.

His beard scraped against the seam between my thigh and pussy, and I felt my legs tremble.

“Stop, not yet,” I whispered, trying to shut my legs. I didn’t want to come yet.

Robin made a low noise of dissent but looked up at me. With the faintest light coming in through the window, I made out the ravenous glitter in his eyes.

“I want you inside me when I come,” I

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