Spin the Shadows (Dark and Wicked Fae #1) - Cate Corvin Page 0,31

on the spot, but it was the officer herself who put a stop to that line of questioning.

“She’s one of his,” she hissed at the interrupter, who went white and glanced at Robin.

The gold Left Hand badge was shining on Robin’s chest. Robin just smiled at the Garda until the Fae muttered an excuse and left.

It was curious to watch Robin’s pull over the Garda in action. He could probably have killed someone himself, and they’d still be calling him ‘sir’ while they handcuffed him in cold iron and gently hauled him off to a cushy cell.

As far as insinuating one of his own employees was the Ghosthand herself… yeah, I could see how it would be wiser to back off and maybe try to avoid Robin for the next six years or so.

“That’s all I know,” I finished. “Like everyone else, I thought tonight would be safe from the Ghosthand.”

Jack had never looked away from me. The entire time I’d spoken, I’d ignored that icy gaze. “I’d like to see your ID, Miss Appletree.”

Robin shot him a warning look, but there was nothing illegal about a Gentry demanding to see ID from a Lesser. I pulled it out of my pocket and handed it over.

His fingers brushed mine and I almost yanked my hand away. I’d expected him to feel as cold as the ice he seemed to generate around him, but his fingers were warm.

He had the same light callouses as Robin: despite the flawless white suit, he was a man used to working with his hands.

Jack looked over the ID, studying it with agonizing slowness, and finally gave it back to me. “Emain Ablach. Are the apples any good?”

I tucked the ID away and shrugged, starting to feel a little more normal. “I hate apples, so I’m the wrong one to ask.”

To my surprise, Jack laughed softly, then looked back at the body. His mirth died, the smile on his full lips becoming brittle. “You might want to get home soon, Briallen. Clearly all bets are off when it comes to gambling against our lives.”

Even Robin looked a little disturbed when he glanced at the body. And to think, while he assured me it was safe, that the Ghosthand was burning yet another Fae from the inside at the same exact time.

The Garda were taking photos. One leaned over the corpse with a swab.

I took a deep breath and took off the blanket, handing it to the lurking ESF. “Okay. If we’re settled here, I’m going home now.”

Robin walked with me to my bike. “Let me walk you home, Briallen.”

I looked up into deep blue eyes that seemed to tug somewhere inside my chest. I could say no, walking me home was crossing a little bit of the boss-employee line, but… “I’d appreciate that.”

A touch of ice on my left side raised goosebumps on my skin. “Walking your agents home now, Robin?” Jack tsked. “You’ve never had such a soft spot before. Fancy that.”

“Most of my previous agents were trained for this life,” Robin said tersely. “Briallen is not.”

There was something mesmerizing about Jack’s pale looks, like an angel frozen in ice. “Ah. And here I thought you’d finally developed a weakness.”

“She’s no business of yours.”

“‘She’,” Jack repeated with a sly smile. “I thought we were talking about you?”

I narrowed my eyes up at him. “Excuse me, sir. I’m very tired, I got a good eyeful of a dead body, and I’d like to go home now. How about we save this for another time?”

Jack looked momentarily taken aback. I had a feeling most Lesser Fae groveled in front of him, but his smile was back, and much warmer now.

“As you wish.” Without asking, he took my hand and brushed a kiss across the knuckles before releasing me, so fast I could’ve blinked and missed it. “Good night, Briallen. I look forward to talking to your charming young protégée later, Robin.”

“There won’t be a later,” Robin mumbled, but Jack was already gliding off down the street, back towards the crime scene.

I picked up my bike and began wheeling it away without looking back. I’d seen enough death for tonight.

Robin fell into step easily beside me.

“Who is he?” I asked, turning onto Monarch Drive. Jack had given me the chills, literally, but there was something about him that seemed friendly under the ice.

Robin thought on it like he was debating how much to tell me. “Jack Frost. My Unseelie counterpart,” he finally said. “Queen Nicnevin’s Left Hand.”

“Seems like

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