Spin the Shadows (Dark and Wicked Fae #1) - Cate Corvin Page 0,27

this erased from my memories, that I hadn’t even thought about how tense and tight I was.

Thank fuck that satyr had been in there.

“I definitely don’t wish to. So, who’s the satyr, boss?” I was on Robin’s heels all the way up the stairs, so relieved I could’ve screamed.

“You get cleaned up while I cook. We’ll discuss this over dinner.” He stopped in the hall as Sisse fluttered to his shoulder, looking concerned. I smiled up at him, my first real smile since walking into Myrage, feeling light as air.

Robin’s eyes lingered on my face for a brief moment, then he turned away, his jaw tight.

Undeterred, I practically skipped upstairs to shower and brush my teeth several times. The club clothes went in the laundry bin, but instead of forcing me to wear my Fairy Ferry uniform, the wardrobe spit out a pair of black yoga pants and a lavender tee with the moon phases embroidered across the chest, along with a small backpack to put my old clothes in.

The house smelled delicious when I descended the stairs. Sisse caught sight of me from the kitchen and fluttered over, seating herself imperiously on my shoulder.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into him,” she sniffed. “He usually just orders take-out. He never cooks for me anymore.”

I had to bite down on my lip to keep from smiling.

Robin was in the kitchen, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, sauce splattered across his front, and a wooden spoon in hand. He poked at whatever was in the saucepan that sat on a grate.

A blazing little fire salamander crawled in a circle beneath the grate, its scales shimmering blue and red, making little squeaks as Robin tossed the occasional tidbit to it.

I stood in the doorway, watching the display of somewhat hazardous domesticity. “You need an apron,” I told him.

Robin looked up from the sauce and nearly got his fingers nipped by the salamander. He pulled them away with a wince. “Watch where you put those teeth, Cinders.”

I could’ve sworn the little fire Fae grinned as it scuttled to the far side of the grate.

“Have a seat,” Robin said, nodding to the table. He’d already laid it out with two plates and silverware. A much smaller table that would easily fit in my palm sat beside us, along with a thimble for a chair.

Sisse departed my shoulder and settled in as I took a seat, propping my elbows on the table and looping my feet around the legs of the chair. “Smells good, boss.”

Robin poured the sauce over something in a dish and brought it over, followed by several other dishes. There was herb-crusted chicken, baked bread, and little dishes of honeycomb, cream, and berries.

I was a little shocked when he served my food himself before filling his own plate and sitting down.

“So, this satyr,” he said, when I had a forkful of food halfway to my mouth. My stomach, rather violently emptied out, was audibly rumbling. “He’s a slippery bastard. Every time we think we’ve got him cornered, he somehow manages to slither right out of our grip, but he matches the description perfectly. Nereid fetish, slimy, greasy… and a well-known connection in the Sobek Street and Undercity markets.”

I took my first bite of food and just about died of happiness. “You cook really well, you know that?”

“Thanks.” Robin wasn’t eating, though. He stirred his food around his plate, poking at it with the tines of his fork, watching me from the corner of his eye.

I wondered if he’d cooked just to get something in my stomach before sending me home. “Sorry, go on.”

“He goes by the name Calder. His business enterprises have been quiet for the last few years, but he’s just been laying low with both Seelie and Unseelie Garda tailing him. The good news is, he’s the perfect route into Brightkin’s activities. We’ve got records on Fionn; he’s a social climber, fifth in line to the throne and unlikely to ever see it. Essentially a bottom-feeder clinging to Brightkin, hoping for scraps.” Robin stabbed a piece of potato like it had offended him. “But Calder. Now that’s where the real trail is. If Brightkin is procuring human girls, Calder is most certainly in on it, and likely knows where they’re coming from and being kept.”

I was watching Robin as he spoke. When I looked down, I’d completely cleared my plate without realizing it, and tiredness was finally starting to hit me.

“So we lure him out.” Robin put down his fork,

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