Spin the Shadows (Dark and Wicked Fae #1) - Cate Corvin Page 0,16

seemed to laser right through me, but all I could think about was how easy it would be for Robin to procure every single nude photo I’d taken, pixied out on sending, and deleted in the entire time I’d dated Ioin.

“That’s an invasion of privacy, boss,” I said indignantly, but I clutched the phone to my chest.

He couldn’t have the phone back. Not now. My greedy hands were already on it.

“I haven’t invaded your privacy. Yet.” The warning was clear in his voice. “All I had him do was back up your contacts to the new phone. Now, pay attention. This one you will use less, but could be far more important in saving your life in a tight spot.” He flipped open the small box.

“Are you proposing to me already? We haven’t even had dinner yet.”

Robin took a breath and briefly looked like he was debating wiping my memory anyways and pushing me out the door.

“I’m just joking, boss. Lighten up. You’re stuck with me.” I reached out to take the box and the ring within.

It looked like delicate vines woven from silver, set with a gleaming moonstone. Tiny facets within the stone shone in blue and green, with a flash of vivid purple when turned the right way.

I pulled it from its velvet cushion and slid it over my left middle finger. The silver vines warmed and compressed, adjusting to fit my finger perfectly.

“This is a ring from the Unseelie Court,” Robin said, reaching over the desk to take my hand. My breath caught in my throat when his calloused fingers ran over mine, checking the fit of the ring, but his expression was purely business. “It’s a loaner, so try not to lose it.”

“Why do I need an Unseelie ring?” I asked, a little unsteadily.

Bright blue eyes pierced me. “This will allow you to spin the shadows.”

I raised an eyebrow. “I’m a dryad. Magic isn’t really my forte, unless you’d like me to grow some rather ugly trees.”

“The magic is woven into the ring itself.” He tapped the moonstone. “Spin it around on your finger, and whisper to it: spin me a tale. Then you will be able to step through the shadows, weave them like ropes, pull them over you for cover... this is not a toy, Miss Appletree. It’s to save your life, if need be.”

I stared down at the ring and my hand, still clasped in his. He seemed to realize he was still holding mine and released me quickly, withdrawing his arms like he’d done something wrong.

“Got it, boss. Super-powered ring for emergencies only.” I took a deep breath.

Was my life likely to be in danger? The only answer to that seemed to be yes. All I had to do was picture the human girl in the incriminating photo.

That wasn’t the kind of information Brightkin would want to get out into the world. It was the kind of information someone would commit murder over. “So I’m going to need a disguise, right?”

Robin pointed upstairs.


Most of the upper level of Robin’s house was restricted to me. I was informed that the first room on the right was his bedroom, and that I had zero business stepping in there.

“Like I’d want to,” I muttered under my breath. Robin ignored me.

There was an armory, but the last room on the left was apparently now mine.

“Everything you need will be provided for you in here,” he told me. “Get ready. I’m bringing you out tonight to make initial contact.”

He strode away with silent footsteps, disappearing into the bedroom that was off-limits.

I locked the door and turned around to survey ‘my’ room. There was a neatly made bed and a tall wardrobe of pale wood, carved with mermaids around the sides.

Best of all, there was a small bathroom. I showered quickly, scrubbing with lilac-scented body wash and thinking about the photo.

If I was Brightkin’s flavor, so to speak, I’d want to match the glittery, lush-looking nymphs he’d partied with.

After the shower, I ran my fingers through my hair, shaking it out so it was a big mass of curls. When I opened the medicine cabinet, I found a bag of brand-new makeup and shimmering lotion.

I slapped it on liberally, making sure every inch of exposed skin would shine under the club lights, and applied thick, glassy lip gloss.

Then it was time to see what horrors the wardrobe had in store for me. I opened the doors to a riot of sequins and lace.

At least the wardrobe had picked

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