Spiked Lemonade - Shari J. Ryan Page 0,108

for so many different reasons that it isn’t a question in my mind about how I feel for you.”

“Jags,” she says.

I press my finger over her lips. “I don’t want you to respond to me, okay? I’m the fool that fell in love with a girl so quickly. It’s like pre-ejaculation. You can’t always control it, as you’ve learned.” I try to laugh. It’s a joke. It’s dirty. It makes her uncomfortable, and I obviously have to leave her with that.

“That’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me,” she says, through muffled words beneath my pressed finger. “But, Jags.”

“No, Miss Sasha. Don’t. For me. Don’t say anything else.”

“Okay, Mr. Jags. Jason. You know, I’m a little bummed we aren’t going to stay in that hotel room you were talking about tonight. But I guess Cali and Tango might not be up for that with Tyler if they have to drive you home.”

“Hold that thought,” I tell her. That’s something I don’t have to debate. It’s getting dark anyway, and who wants to drive four hours in the dark tonight? And Sasha shouldn’t be starting her cross-country trek at night.

I run to Tango’s truck to see what they want to do.

“Would you guys by any chance mind grabbing a room down the street for the night. I’m not sold on Sasha driving across country tonight after the day she’s had. I don’t want her staying alone here, either.” By the looks on their faces, staying in a hotel down the street wasn’t on their agenda, but they wouldn’t say no to me. Or Sasha.

“Yeah, man, of course,” Tango says. “I’m sure I can find a way to keep Cali from getting bored in a hotel room tonight.” Cali jabs him in the gut and Tyler giggles at something she does not understand. These two.

“Thanks, guys. You can follow me. I know where the place is.”

I force Sasha to climb into the passenger seat and take off from this sleazy parking lot we’ve all spent too much time in today. “Do they mind?” Sasha asks.

“Not at all, doll-face.” And if they did, I still wouldn’t care. I realize spending just one more night with this girl is probably the most masochistic thing I will ever do to my poor heart, but it’ll be worth every second.

We check in to the hotel before Cali and Tango have Tyler unloaded from the car because I’m not wasting one second. We’ll order room-service and not leave the room until she tells me she’s ready.

“You got a suite?” I ask the man.

He types some shit into his computer and drags his finger down the length of the monitor. “One left.”

I hand him my card, and he hands me the key. I take my girl’s hand and wish I didn’t have to let go. I’m pulling her down the hall so fast it’s as if I were in a race to lock us up and throw away the key, even though I’m aware the doors don’t lock from the outside. Right now, I wish they did, though.

I close us into the room and release every ounce of fear and adrenaline I had rushing through my veins today. Tearing Sasha’s clothes off, I pin her up against the wall, memorizing every inch of her pure, unmarked skin with my tongue and my lips. When I pause to look at her—that expression, I see her eyes are closed, taking in every moment of this too. When my legs get too heavy to hold myself up, I scoop her into my arms and fling us both onto the bed where I cover us with blankets and sheets, drawing our heads into a heap of pillows that form a cave around us.

With everything I have, I give her what I want her to remember me by. She’s warmed up to this kind of dirty love, the kind that feels too damn good to call dirty. But she still does, and that fucking turns me on.

I’m quick to lose myself when I’m inside of her, forgetting why we’re here, how we got here and where the hell she is going tomorrow. Right this second, I don’t want to think of anything besides the satiny touch of her nipples rubbing against my cheek or the way she’s pinching my skin so hard with her fingernails to ride me a little harder. This girl who’s afraid to say the word cock has turned into the most skilled bedroom technician I’ve ever

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