Spells Trouble (Sisters of Salem #1) - P. C. Cast Page 0,98

right witch, using the right kind of power, could ask trees for aid.

It had been a super easy spell for her to learn. She’d already been able to feel the big oak’s inhalations and exhalations against her hands, and she’d been listening to the sweet whispers of the crops that surrounded their home for as long as she could remember. So, when Abigail had shown her how to focus, how to pull energy from the ley lines and be the conduit that sent that energy into the oak so that she could beseech the tree for the help she needed—it felt as natural as breathing to young Mercy.

She looked up at the wall of evergreens. They loomed above her and made her feel safe, strong, powerful even. Mercy smiled and lifted her hands, stroking the spiky, sticky upside-down Vs that were the Thuja’s leaves. It was then that her mother’s voice tickled across her memory. Well done, Mag! Abigail had said when Mercy had executed the spell so easily. But remember, sweetheart, never use your powers for vanity or any self-serving reason. Always keep in mind the words we live by: An ye harm none, do what ye will.

Mercy ignored the spark of intuition that all of a sudden made her palms sweaty and her stomach sick. I’m not harming anyone. I’m showing everyone they’re wrong about Kirk. I’m doing a good thing!

She wiped her damp palms against her jeans skirt, closed her eyes, and centered herself—and found that her anger worked for her as she easily found the potent ley line that bisected the football field and ran directly under where she stood. Mercy reached down and tapped into that vein of power as she pressed her hands against the trees—ignoring the fact that their sticky leaves scratched her palms.

“I greet you, gentle giants,” she murmured to them.

Instantly she felt their combined inhale and exhalation against her hands.

“I ask a favor of you, and for that favor I will draw the power beneath you up into your roots, your branches, your beautiful, lime green leaves. You will swell with health and grow taller, ever taller. Will you grant me a favor?”

From the trees rushed excitement that teased her palms and made her smile.

“Good. Here is what I ask of you…” Mercy bowed her head and pressed her forehead against the Thuja as she whispered her request to the line of trees.

Again, her palms tingled with excitement that was so real it reminded her of wriggling puppies. She didn’t speak her thanks. Instead, she pulled the pulsing power up through the earth. The heat of it rushed into her body and through her hands to cascade into the wall of trees. They swayed as they accepted her offering like ballerinas tethered to the earth.

She stroked the thick, leafy Thuja branches and murmured, “Thank you, my friends,” exactly as Abigail had trained her to do. The wall of trees swayed once more in response.

Satisfied the spell was set, Mercy rubbed her hands on her jeans skirt and headed to the break in the fence and tree line, just in time to see Kirk jogging away from the coach and the JV team, as he headed for the refreshment stand. Mercy lifted a hand and waved at him.

As soon as he saw her he grinned and changed direction, running straight to her.

“Babe! You stayed! Damn, you look good.” He bent to kiss her, but she pushed against his chest with both hands—this time actually keeping him from getting close to her.

“We need to talk,” she said firmly.

Jarod Frazier, the Mustangs’ senior linebacker, leered at them as he crushed a Gatorade bottle in his meaty hand. “Oooh, damn! Trouble in paradise? You need some help handling her, bro?”

Mercy didn’t wait for Kirk to respond. She spun on her heels and marched back through the break in the fence, leaving Kirk to jog after her—much to the jeering delight of the rest of the team.

Mercy turned to face Kirk when she reached the exact spot she’d stood earlier, hidden by the wall of trees from the view of anyone on the football field.

“Mercy, what’s—”

She lifted her hand, stopping his words.

“You told Jax about what we did yesterday!”

Kirk frowned. “What the hell did he say?”

Mercy put her fists on her hips. “How about you tell me what you said instead?”

“Nothin’. Really. Just locker room talk. You know.” He reached for her and she sidestepped him.

“You talked about me—about us—in the damn locker room? You mean

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