Spells A Bayou Magic Novel - Kristen Proby Page 0,70

heard a baby crying but that’s stopped.”

“Huh. That’s weird. But I guess babies were probably born in this house at some point. It’s almost two hundred years old.”

“Probably,” Daphne agrees. “I don’t sense a baby.”

“It could just be an echo,” I suggest. “Not a conscious spirit, just an energetic moment in time that repeats.”

“Absolutely,” Brielle agrees. “And that’s likely in this case. The only thing I’ve seen is the old-lady shadow. Which, honestly, isn’t bad for a house this old.”

“True. I guess I shouldn’t complain. I’m glad you guys are here. And I’m really glad you’re coming to the ceremony tomorrow.”

“Cash thinks he has to dance naked,” Brielle says, laughing behind her hand. “I haven’t corrected him. Does that make me a bad wife?”

“No, that’s hilarious.” Daphne laughs. “Maybe I’ll mention it in the car on the way there. That I’m nervous about being naked in front of all those people.”

“Poor Cash,” I say, shaking my head. “He married into a family of tormentors.”

“Eh, he loves it.” Brielle shrugs. “And he gives as good as he gets.”

“You have a point.” I grin at my sister. “Do you think we can actually get him naked before he discovers it’s all a hoax?”

“We can certainly try.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


The air is cool in our bedroom this morning. The day is finally here, my favorite day of the year.

All Hallows’ Eve.

When the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest.

And this year is particularly special, with not just a full moon, but a full blue hunter’s moon.

It’s as sacred as it gets, and I get to spend it with the man my soul is linked to, along with my sisters, the brother of my heart, and my coven.

I’m so dang excited, I can hardly contain myself.

But I take a deep breath, trying to stay calm and centered. It’s early morning, and Lucien is still sleeping beside me. Which is unusual. The man hardly sleeps. I’m constantly waking to find him either gone or lying awake beside me.

And now that I think about it, it’s usually me who has trouble sleeping. Plagued with dreams, I never slept much.

Until Lucien came back into my life.

Is it because he brings such tranquility to my life that I’m able to relax and sleep peacefully? And is he not sleeping well because he’s taking that on himself, the way he does my headaches with just the sweep of his thumb over my forehead?

I don’t know, but I have a hunch that all of that is true.

This morning, he’s resting peacefully. His dark lashes fall against his cheek, and his breathing is even and slow.

I’ve been worried about him. He mentioned the other day—yesterday?—that he’s frightened. Lucien doesn’t show fear often. He’s so confident, so sure of himself. So hearing that he’s afraid was startling.

But he’s not alone.

I feel the evil creeping closer, and I’m not any closer than he is to finding a solution. But we’re stronger together, and I trust that we’ll meet the evil head-on and win.

There’s no other choice.

“I can feel your giddiness from over here,” he mumbles, not opening his eyes.

“It’s my favorite day,” I whisper to him and press a kiss to his bare shoulder. “And I’m excited to get started with preparations for the ritual and the feast. There’s so much to do.”

“It can wait,” he says as he rolls to me and cups my face in his large hand. His eyes are heavy with sleep as they drop to my lips. “First thing’s first.”

I’m expecting the frenzy that usually comes with our lovemaking. The swirl of air and flames.

But this morning, the room is calm and cool, and Lucien is slow and methodical as his hands journey over my body, waking it up to a slow burn.

He rolls me onto my back and stares down at me lovingly. Lucien is an intense man, and having that intensity directed at me, especially in the bedroom, is at once thrilling and overwhelming.

He links his fingers with mine, and I feel a light breeze blow over us. He locks his lips with mine, and the wind picks up.

A shiver of pure Power runs down my spine.

But it’s when his body joins with mine that the flames of the candles ignite around us. The room has gone from calm to powerful chaos at just the joining of our bodies and souls.

I sigh, and the wind swirls.

He moans, and the flames reach higher.

And with the crescendo of our bodies, the Power around us builds and then

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