Spells A Bayou Magic Novel - Kristen Proby Page 0,65

this stone on me, so I’m going to drop it by the lab on our way.”


“You’re quite agreeable this morning, darlin’.”

She shrugs a shoulder. “What’s not to be agreeable about? I get to spend time with you, it’s a lovely fall day, and I know my café is being taken good care of by Esme and Gwyneth. I don’t have any complaints. Except…”


“Well, last night, when I tripped on the corpse’s ankle.”

“Yes, I would complain about tripping on a corpse, as well, now that you mention it.”

“No. I mean, yes, but that’s not it. Esme ran outside when I yelped, and her hand was covered in a red stain. She said it was food coloring from the hot chocolate, but it looked like a bloodstain. And I just couldn’t help but wonder if Horace could be possessing Esme.”

“And you’re just now bringing this up to me?”

“Well, there was a body on the ground, and then the cops came, and it was so late when we got home, I collapsed into bed. Then we had fun in the library. There really hasn’t been time to accuse my employee and friend of being possessed.”

I blow out a breath and laugh. “Okay, first of all, I don’t think it’s Esme.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because we cast some pretty strong protection spells on your café, Millie. There’s no way that Horace could enter the building, whether in spirit form or in a host body.”

She chews her lip. “Yeah, that’s true.”

“And Esme was working all night. She was with us at the booth, and then helping us clean up.”

“She went to the bathroom,” she reminds me. “And when I walked past, I heard her struggling to get back into her catsuit.”

“So she was in the bathroom doing what she said she was going to do.” I take her hand and squeeze it. “Esme has been with us at Miss Sophia’s, and has been trying to help. I really don’t think she’s the one to look at.”

“Okay.” She sighs deeply and shakes her head. “What you say makes sense. I just wish we could figure out how this is all happening.”

“We will. We just need to do it before he has a chance to destroy us first.”

“Yeah, that would be ideal.” She laughs at me as I pull into the parking lot of the lab. “Because I plan to spend a lot more years with you, a mhuirnín.”

I grin over at her. “Likewise. I’ll be right back, I’m just going to drop this off.”

I hurry inside and place the stone in the safe with the others, then return to the car. Millie’s staring down at her phone.

“I’m having a girls’ night at our place tonight with my sisters,” she informs me. “They haven’t been over to see the house yet, and I want to cook for them.”

“That sounds like fun.”

“Oh, it’s gonna be fun,” she agrees. “Daphne’s bringing some cocktails.”

“Will they need a designated driver?”


“Well, it’s handy that I know how to drive.”

“It’s damn convenient having you around,” she says with a laugh. “But that means no cocktails for you.”

“That’s okay. I don’t drink much. I’m too busy studying most of the time and need a clear head.”

“Now that you mention it, whenever I’ve been around you, you always have your nose in a book.”

“My whole life,” I confirm.


“Because I’ve been preparing for this, darlin’. Everything that we’re dealing with right now is what I’ve been studying for.”

And I’m damn frustrated that I still don’t feel like I know enough.

“You’re pretty amazing.” She smiles at me from the passenger side seat as I drive us out of the city toward Miss Sophia’s house.

Amazingly terrified.

She squeezes my hand.

No need to be. I’m right here.

Chapter Twenty-Three

“Don’t play with the forces of evil.”

-- Anna Pistova

The Witch of Vladimirovac

“Oh, this game is getting fun,” he murmurs to himself as he leans against a tree on the other side of the street from the big house in the Garden District. He followed them here after the party in the French Quarter. He stood back and watched as Millie and Lucien put on their little show for the asshole teenagers.

Those boys need someone to teach them how to respect their elders. The way my girls do, he thinks to himself.

Millie’s so much more talented than she gives herself credit for. Way too gifted to spend her evenings showing off with little parlor tricks for ungrateful children. It was all he could do to stand there and watch and not rail at her

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