Spells A Bayou Magic Novel - Kristen Proby Page 0,59


“Of course, she is. Why didn’t I think of that?”

The two wander off, and I glance over to Millie. She’s concentrating on a bouquet of black roses in her hands. She pricks her finger on one of the stems and immediately puts the tip of the digit into her mouth. Her eyes find mine.

Let’s talk. I mouth the words. She nods, says something to Dahlia, and then hurries over to me.

“What’s up?”

“I want to go inside where it’s quieter,” I whisper, and with her hand linked to mine, I lead her into her café and back to her small office. “We didn’t cast the spell to open our door yesterday.”

“I guess the day got away from me,” she says. “Do you want to do it now?”

“Yes. And here’s the thing, Millicent. We can close it after all is said and done and we’re past this little war. Or, we can keep it open for the rest of our lives. It’s completely up to you.”

“Can we read each other’s thoughts?”

“No.” I brush my thumb under her left eye, sweeping away an eyelash. “We can simply talk to each other whenever we want, except we don’t have to worry about a cell signal.”

“Well, I like the sound of that.” She grins and leans against me. “Thank you for doing this.”

“It’s for me as much as it is for you. I also want you to stick close to me for the foreseeable future.”

She frowns up at me. “What’s wrong? I mean, aside from the obvious. Has something changed?”

“I don’t have anything concrete to tell you, but I have a bad feeling. I’m going to stick close to you, and I want to keep the door open at all times.”

She shivers as she nods. “Done.”

We join hands, and I begin to chant to cast the spell.

Light of day, and dark of night,

Find my soulmate in spell’s flight.

Mind to mind, and heart to heart,

Connect us now while we’re apart.

From this day, ‘til we decree,

Make us one, so mote it be.

A breeze blows around us as the words are said. Millie joins in, chanting the words with me. When we’re finished, we open our eyes and look at each other.

I love you, Millicent.

She smiles and presses her cheek against my chest, holding on tightly. I love you, too, beloved.

Chapter Twenty-One


“I smell children!” Brielle, dressed as Mary Sanderson, startles a group of kids who gathered at my booth for some hot chocolate. They giggle and shriek in joy.

“We are children,” one of them says with a laugh.

My sisters and I take Halloween very seriously. Every year, we dress up as famous witches, and this year, the Sandersons are in the rotation. Brielle’s dark hair is teased up, and she twists her jaw to the side to make herself look like the character from the movie. I’m Sarah tonight, with my long, blond hair teased, and my dress showing off my cleavage. Once in a while, I break out in, “Amok amok amok!” and make everyone around me laugh.

“Sisters!” Daphne exclaims as she approaches the booth—well enough to make Bette Midler herself proud. “It seems there are children about.”

“It’s Halloween,” a little Tinker Bell informs her. “Of course, there are children.”

“Did you know we eat little children?” Daphne asks as she leans down to eye-level with the little girl.

“We don’t really,” I insist as I pass the child her little cup of hot chocolate. “Stop scaring away my customers, Daph.”

“You know Halloween is my favorite,” she replies, not sorry at all. She pats her red hair and gives me a toothy grin, thanks to her prosthetic front teeth. “I’m totally in character. I’m gonna go make the rounds.”

“Have fun,” I reply as I wave her off. This is the best night of the year. The street looks fantastic, if I do say so myself, with the orange lights strung back and forth over the street. The Jack-o-lanterns are lit and grinning, thanks to Lucien’s handiwork. Each booth has a bouquet of black roses, thanks to Dahlia, and I love that folks feel safe to bring their little ones out here to trick-or-treat and enjoy the fun.

“I want some caramel corn,” Esme says as she passes out another free hot chocolate. “And then I’m gonna man this station for a while so you can go mingle.”

“We’ll take turns,” I assure her. “And you look adorable tonight, by the way.”

She smiles and adjusts her black ears. “Meow.”

“You make a sexy black cat in that suit.”

“Thanks. It’s not fun when I

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