Spells A Bayou Magic Novel - Kristen Proby Page 0,56

quickly as it came, and Horace is able to sit back on his haunches and take a deep breath.

The new toy moans.

As Horace turns his head to look at him, the toy swings his leg out and kicks Horace in the chest, sending him back on his ass.

Horace reaches for his workbench, and as the still-disoriented toy writhes on the floor, trying to get to his feet, Horace retrieves a knife, grabs the toy by the hair, and slices his throat, from ear to ear.

“Damn it,” Horace growls. “This isn’t how it was supposed to be, Lucien.”

He hurries to grab a bucket and tucks it under the toy’s neck, trying to catch every drop of blood.

“I had such fun things in store for you. And now you’ve ruined it.”

They’ve all ruined it.

As the body bleeds out into the bucket, Horace stomps to the bathroom and stares at himself in the mirror.

“You’re so fucking weak. Just a woman. I knew better than to take a fucking woman. You can’t be trusted, just like the rest. And now, you’re going to ruin everything because you’re not strong enough.”

His lip curls as he snarls at his own reflection.

“I took you because you were always strong. Always so sure and ready for a fight. And now look at you. Well, you won’t get away with this. You’ll need to be punished for your weakness, just like my girls need to be punished for theirs.”

Chapter Twenty


I’ve just finished stripping the last molecule of blood off the bloodstone collected from the body Millie found in front of her shop, and the test result is in.

The blood is from the same person as the others.

All four stones are lined up on my table, side by side. They’re roughly the same size. Green in color—jasper—with veins of red hematite running through the smooth surface.

Hence why they’re called bloodstones.

I sent samples off from each one for DNA testing, but those results still aren’t in. So, while I know the blood came from the same person, I won’t be able to say who that person is until those results come back.

And even then, unless the owner of the DNA is in the system for some reason, we may not be able to figure it out.

It’s fucking frustrating as Hades.

I strip off my latex gloves and toss them into the trash, then pace my lab. Why the bloodstones? These are new. I don’t remember Horace using them in any previous lifetime.

What is the significance? I know that for Wiccans, a bloodstone can be used for protection, courage, and even as an aphrodisiac.

The thought of that son of a bitch leaving a stone as an aphrodisiac for any of the sisters makes me sick.

But the protection idea might not be far off.

Without thinking, I reach out and pick up one of the stones. It’s cool beneath my fingers. Smooth. And suddenly, I feel sick to my stomach. Nausea rolls over me in waves so badly, I have to set the stone down and run for the trashcan, barely making it in time to heave my guts out.

When I’m able to catch my breath, I rinse out my mouth and eye the stones.

I choose another stone to pick up, and almost immediately feel the nausea return. I set the stone down, take a step back, suck in a deep breath, and instantly feel better.

What in the actual fuck?

I pull my phone out of my pocket and call the one person who might have answers.

“Hello, Lucien.”

“Miss Sophia, I have some questions for you.”

“And I’m happy to answer them, as always. I’m actually in the city today. Why don’t I stop by your lab and we can talk in person?”

“That’s even better.” I’d love for Miss Sophia to see the stones for herself. “When should I expect you?”

“I’ll be there shortly.”

“Thank you.” I hang up and leave the lab area for my office and quickly call Millie.

“Well, hello there, handsome.”

She never fails to make me smile. “How are you today?”

“I’m just fine, thanks for asking. We’re filling orders, and I’m getting ready to go out and prepare for tomorrow’s Halloween street party. We have tables and tents to set up, along with lights to string and all kinds of other chores. I could use another pair of strong hands.”

“I’m happy to come help,” I reply. “I’ll be here at the lab for another few hours and then I can sneak out for the rest of the weekend.”

“Fantastic. I’ll see you soon then. Be safe. Love

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