Spells A Bayou Magic Novel - Kristen Proby Page 0,42

the television, my arms crossed as I stare at the face of each man.

“They all have brown hair,” I say. “But different facial features. They don’t all have the same eye color.”

“But they’re all wearing glasses,” Brielle adds from beside me. “Brown hair and glasses.”

Everything in me runs cold as I turn to Lucien.

“It’s you. He’s not killing me this time around, he’s killing you, Lucien.”

The air swirls in the room as my anger soars.

“Millie,” Brielle says, but I shake my head.

“That bastard is killing the man I love because he’s trying to hurt me. He’s trying to piss me off, which is working.”

“He’s teaching you a lesson,” Lucien says. His voice is calm, but his eyes reflect my frustration. “He knows the best way to scare you, to hurt you, is to hurt me. It’s been that way for centuries.”

“Well, he’s done his job. I’m pissed. And I’m not scared. I’m going to fucking destroy him.”

“Millicent.” Lucien’s before me now and sets his hands on my shoulders. “Your anger fuels his power.”

“Am I supposed to feel good about this?”

“Of course, not. Use it constructively. Yes, we’re going to defeat him, but not like this. Bring the wind down. You’re making a mess, darlin’.”

I glance around the room to see papers flying and everyone’s hair blowing.

Miss Sophia smiles.

I take a deep breath and will the wind away.

I didn’t even realize I’d kicked it up so violently.

I don’t know if I’ve ever been this angry before.

“He’s fucking with what I love.”

Lucien’s blue eyes soften as he brushes his thumb over my forehead, calming me. “I feel the same way, a stór mo chroí.”

I nod and look around us again. Everyone’s smiling. No one cares that their hair is a mess, and the room is messy. And for the first time, I see that all of Miss Sophia’s candles are lit, and the hearth fire is much higher than it was a moment ago.

“I’ve been waiting for this day,” Miss Sophia says as she joins us and takes each of our hands. “I’m so happy you’ve reconnected. I hate that it took this evil to do it, but having your souls entwined will work in your favor in ways you can’t even imagine. I’ve rarely seen wind like that blow through and not extinguish the fire. Your combined magic is strong and will only grow more, day by day. Keep honing it. Practice. Love each other.”

“That’s not difficult,” Lucien replies, his eyes never leaving mine.

“And when you’re ready, we’ll have your handfasting ceremony.”

I don’t have to ask what she means, and neither does Lucien.

“I don’t want it to be when we’re in the middle of fighting this evil,” Lucien says.

“That might be the best time, child,” Miss Sophia replies. “The love and strength between you is powerful. But I’ll leave that up to you. I’m so happy for you. Blessed be.”

“Blessed be,” everyone says in agreement.

“I do not mean to be a killjoy,” Cash says, “but now that we know he’s targeting men with Lucien’s general description, I need to know how to proceed. How is he luring them?”

“Could he have inhabited a woman’s body?” Daphne asks. “Like, maybe he’s picking them up in bars the way he did with the women before.”

“Of course, it’s possible,” Lucien says.

“But unlikely,” Cash adds. “The woman’s body wouldn’t be strong enough to do the damage that’s being done. And you know I don’t say that to sound sexist, it’s simply biology. He’s strung some of these men up. The cuts are deep. He’s completely severed limbs, for chrissake. I don’t think a female could do those things.”

“I agree,” I say, as I think it over. “I don’t think it’s a woman.”

“Are the men gay?” Brielle asks. “Maybe he’s luring them that way.”

Cash shrugs and thinks it over. “They could be. We don’t list sexual preference in a missing person’s report. I can do some digging on that.”

“The potion is about ready,” Miss Sophia says. “Let’s gather out back and begin the ritual for the spell.”

This is one of the strongest circles I’ve ever been in. The gathering is full of energy and passion.

Once sacred space is made, Miss Sophia chants the words of Power, calling on the Watchtowers, deities, and spirit guides to protect Mama and banish the evil that plagues her.

“Lord and Lady, working for us and through us, Guardians of the Watchtowers and guides of all, lend us your might. We dedicate this potion to shelter and protect our sister Ruth.” She tosses

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