Spells A Bayou Magic Novel - Kristen Proby Page 0,32

a milestone and one I’ve waited almost a decade for. Being patient was necessary, and I don’t regret that I kept my distance and didn’t push her.

But goddess above, I’m relieved that the wait is over.

I missed her more than I can say. It was an ache in my heart that never subsided.

And now she’s here.

Her breaths are even, and she’s safe from dreams—a little spell before she drifted off helped with that.

The sun is just rising, and the first rays of light make their way into my bedroom to chase any shadows away. I lean in to kiss her cheek and smile when she stirs and turns toward me.

“Good morning,” she whispers.

“Good morning, love,” I whisper in return. I pull her against me for a little cuddle and enjoy the way her long, slim body fits next to mine. “Did you sleep well?”

“Better than I have in years,” she says and stretches like a lazy cat. “How about you?”

“A little.” I brush her hair off her cheek. “I was in and out a bit.”

“Hmm.” She glances around the room and frowns. “If the sun is up, I slept longer than usual.”

“It’s about six,” I say.

“Wow, that’s late for me. Luckily, Esme’s taking the morning crowd today. I don’t have to go in until about noon.”

“Lucky for both of us, then.” I kiss her, long and slow, and let my hand drift down to cup her firm breast, teasing the already firm nipple. I’d like to stay here all morning, making love to her, but we have somewhere to be. “I should make you some coffee.”

“Wow, someone making me coffee for a change,” she says with a smile. “That’s fun. But why don’t we finish what you started first?”

I groan and lean in to kiss her once more but then pull away. “I would love nothing more, but I think we should meet with your sisters this morning.”

She frowns. “Why?”

I don’t want to say anything. Not yet. I’m not completely sure that my hunch is correct.

“It’s just a feeling,” I say and kiss her nose before leaving the warm bed and stepping into a pair of lounge pants. “I’ll go get that coffee.”

“I’ll wake up and be down in a minute.”

“No hurry. I can bring the coffee here.”

I leave the bedroom and shiver in the cool morning air. Autumn has firmly settled in, and the chilly mornings that come with her have arrived. I point to the fireplace in the living room as I pass, and a fire erupts in the hearth.

That’ll help warm the house.

I set the first cup under the single-serve coffee maker, press brew, and turn to the back door just off the kitchen. My back yard is my oasis. I have herbs planted, along with some vegetables and flowers that have special medicinal purposes. I am not a hedgewitch, but many in our coven are, and they often ask to come and snip here and there in my garden.

It’s my pleasure to share with them. I planted it all from memory, knowing that Millie would eventually need it for her practices and as a serene place to come. Perhaps one day soon, Sanguine would join her in the garden. I can picture them both, the cat lying in the grass, batting at a butterfly, and Millicent, round with child, snipping herbs for her potions.

It’s real in my mind because it’s as much a memory as it is a wish for what’s to come.

I open the door to get some fresh air for a moment while the coffee brews, but the second I turn the knob, I know.

My hunch was right.

I glance down on the deck and sigh at the sight before me.

A foot. Severed from a body.

With a bloodstone resting on the bloody stump where it was once attached to what I assume was a man.


I turn back inside in time to see Millie walking into the kitchen, wearing my shirt from last night and nothing else.

Double damn.

“What’s taking so long with the coffee? Do you need my help?” she asks with a sweet smile, but then she sobers when she sees my face. I’m already dialing Cash’s number. “What’s wrong?”

My eyes hold Millie’s as I press the phone to my ear, and Cash answers. “It’s Lucien. You’re going to want to come over here, man. There’s a foot on my back porch.”

“I’ll be there in twenty,” the other man says and hangs up.

“No.” Millie closes her eyes on a long sigh.

“I’m afraid so.”

Her lip wobbles,

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