Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,96

but it was the shifter that was demanding he throw Rebekah onto the bed and claim her. Their mate was right there for the taking.

“Just one. Give me a chance. A chance to show you I’m willing to go all in with you. Willing to do whatever it takes to make this work. I already knew you were different. I knew that the last time we were together. I’m willing to put in the time if you’re willing to show me the real you. I don’t expect this to be easy, but the fates brought us back together. Our relationship won’t be conventional, and it will wear on both of us.” Rebekah closed the distance and gripped his forearms, tilting her face up to his. “But it will be worth it in the long run.”

Rebekah moved one hand behind his head and urged Gabriel to kiss her. He wanted to. Gods, he wanted so much with this female. He pressed their lips together but kept it chaste this time. He was adamant about his conditions. But if he expected her to agree to his, he had to give in to hers. If Rebekah decided she was willing to wait, he would be willing to complete the bond.

“Are we in agreement?” she asked.

“Yes. I figure we have about an hour before they make you leave, so how about we begin getting to know one another? Tell me about this Japanese Garden.”

Leaving Gabriel alone in his cell every day, even though it was more like a dorm room, was the hardest thing Rebekah had ever done in her life. The hours passed by too quickly, but she was thankful for them. As agreed, she and Gabriel spent their time talking. And kissing, though not as much as she wanted. Rebekah could feel the strain in Gabriel as he kept his distance. With it being winter, the weather was cold, but she knew how much Gabriel cherished his time outside, so when the temperature wasn’t too low, she shared his time outdoors with him.

During the months after they were reunited, Rebekah spent time with Isabelle and Connor. The child was amazing. Not only was he brilliant in mind, he was also a talented artist. Rebekah did her best not to analyze the boy, but she had never met someone so young who was smarter than most of the adults surrounding him. Rebekah also met with Caroline for coffee once a week. It was strange being around Gabriel’s mother knowing the woman was over two-hundred yet looked so much younger than Rebekah. Caroline confided in Rebekah about all her children and how guilty she felt at giving them up for adoption. Rebekah, using her psychology experience, helped the female with her guilt.

Gabriel was worried about Rebekah missing her house in Oregon after she talked about her life with Jacob and how she enjoyed the serenity of her home, but she assured him she was enjoying getting to know his family and the area. When she first arrived in New Atlanta, she stayed with Isabelle after Tamian performed his magic on Esmeralda, but during the third week, she asked Izzy and Dante for help in finding her a home of her own. She also asked for help in selling her place in New Portland, and they called on a Clan member named Sixx who lived on the West Coast. Sixx and his mate, Desirae, oversaw packing up Rebekah’s home and having her things shipped to the new house she purchased not far from Isabelle.

Once she had her new place set up and all the boxes unpacked, Rebekah took lots of photos to show Gabriel. Isabelle had given her the drawing Connor made of his vision, and Rebekah had it framed. She hung it in the living room where everyone who visited could enjoy it. Rebekah had more company in the first week in her new home than she had in her entire life in Oregon. It seemed that Gabriel’s family and Clan accepted Rebekah into their lives as a given. It was then she realized how lonely she truly had been.

“Thank you, Aldredge,” Rebekah said to the assistant warden after he unlocked Gabriel’s cell. In those first few days of visiting the Pen, Rebekah was self-conscious, but the guards who accompanied her to Gabriel’s room were kind. If they thought she was crazy for wanting to be mated to a killer, they didn’t let on. She got to know them little pieces at a time

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