Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,81

the holiday. They had taken Rain to pick out a tree and let him and Amelia decorate it however they wanted. Lights adorned the exterior of the house. Cheap baubles as well as expensive keepsakes lined the mantel and just about every other surface inside. They had gone overboard hoping to make up for the last two years their son had missed the holiday.

Remy surged to his feet, lifting Isla off the ground, and twirling her around. “We’re having a baby!”

Aldredge ran out the back door, clapping and hooting with Remy. “Congratulations, Brother.”

“Thank you. This is…” Remy shook his head.

“This is everything,” Isla finished for her mate.

“Take the rest of the day off. Go celebrate,” Aldredge offered.

“Thank you. I think I will.” Remy, still holding Isla, carried her to her car and put her in the passenger seat. Once he was seated next to her, he leaned over the console, and she met him halfway. “I guess we already know it’s a girl,” he said after showing her with his mouth how happy he was.

“We do. My beast confirmed it. Let’s go tell Rain he’s going to be a big brother.” Isla threaded her fingers with Remy’s once he got the car started and on the road. Isla leaned her head against the seat and turned her face so she could stare at her mate. For over two years, she lived through hell. Not because of how she was treated, but because she’d been separated from her mate. Isla loved Rain with her whole being, but Remy was the other half of her soul. Now she was once again complete, and she didn’t think she could be happier.

“I have a better idea.” Remy lifted their joined hands and kissed Isla’s knuckles. “He has a few more hours with Marigold. Let’s go home and celebrate, just the two of us.”

“You have the best ideas.” Their sex life wasn’t lacking by any means, but having a child meant they had to keep their lovemaking in the bedroom. Isla missed the days of spontaneous sex whenever and wherever.

By the time they arrived at Frey’s to pick up their son, Remy had reminded Isla how creative he could be. She was more than sated, and she couldn’t stop smiling. Abbi asked them to stay for supper, but they politely turned her down. Isla took her friend aside and confided what was going on. They wanted to tell Rain about the baby and celebrate with just the three of them. Abbi hugged Isla tightly, her own baby kicking against Isla’s stomach. Abbi was due in just a few weeks, and baby Jonathan was making his presence known.

Abbi pushed on her son’s foot. “I swear, he’s going to be a fighter like his father.”

“Or,” Frey interjected from the kitchen doorway, “he could be a dancer like his sister.” His eyes were focused on Abbi’s belly. Isla knew that look. It was the same one Remy used to get when Isla’s tummy had been swollen with Rain.

Isla squeezed Abbi’s arm, then went in search of Remy and Rain. Amelia was chattering about water ballet. Remy raised his eyebrows, and Isla grinned, shaking her head. When the little girl came up for air, Isla jumped in. “Amelia, we’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay. Bye, Rain!” Amelia went in for a hug, and Rain embraced her back. Isla thought they were cute together. She could imagine the two of them becoming mates when they were older, and Isla would be quite okay with that. She loved Abbi, and Frey was an honorable male. Having them as family would definitely be a plus.

Since they were celebrating, Remy asked Rain what he wanted for supper. The boy chose pizza, and Isla was happy with his choice. She had been cooking almost every night since she returned, only going out on the weekends. Remy suggested calling the order in, then eating at home since they had something private to talk about. Isla called the local mom-and-pop place that had the best pizza she’d ever tasted. She agreed that eating at home was the right idea. Isla was nervous about telling Rain she was pregnant. If this had been before he had been taken, she wouldn’t think twice about his reaction. Considering he had just gotten his mum back, Isla didn’t want him to think—

“Stop,” Remy said. He grabbed her hand and kissed her fingertips. “I can hear you thinking. It’s going to be fine,” he promised. She gave her mate a smile, trusting

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