Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,8

his mind. Where had they stayed while Stella had been on her trip? Probably with their father. Instead of texting Stella, Zeke opened the search engine on his phone and did some digging. He wished he’d brought his laptop, but he hadn’t planned on having much downtime. Now that he’d met Julian Stone, Zeke knew he could reach out to the male for computer help, but Julian was still in Egypt with the others. Even Tessa was a whiz when it came to searching. Zeke had contacted his cousin more than once for assistance over the past few years. Since she, too, was still in Cairo, he had to search on his own.

After a couple hours, Zeke knew Stella was a high school teacher. He found a photo from the local news outlet when she won teacher of the year. What he didn’t find was a marriage certificate or birth announcements. Knowing she was a teacher, Zeke concluded the kids she had mentioned were students. At least he hoped they were. Not that he wouldn’t accept her children if she had them, but it would be easier without an ex-husband in the picture. Zeke wanted to call and hear Stella’s voice, but it would only rile his beast. His Goyle was already pissed he hadn’t stayed in California.

Zeke needed at least a small connection, so he texted her.

Zeke: Did you make it home okay?

Stella must have been holding her phone because she responded straight away.

Stella: I did. My next-door neighbor assaulted me immediately, but I got away from her as soon as I could.

Zeke: You were assaulted? Did you call the police? Are you okay?

Zeke was on his feet, ready to head to the airport when his phone pinged.

Stella: Sorry, not that kind of assault. Mrs. Goss is just nosy.

He blew out a breath. He wanted to spank Stella’s ass for nearly giving him a heart attack.

Zeke: You scared me.

Stella: I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful with how I phrase things. So, how was your flight? You said you had business?

Zeke: The flight was short, and my meeting was canceled until tomorrow. I stopped by a diner, and now I’m sitting in my hotel room. I usually go for a run, but I wanted to make sure you got home okay. Zeke wanted to ask so many questions, but doing so by text was too impersonal.

Stella: I used to jog every night with Bruce, but he passed away last year.

Zeke: Bruce? Zeke held his breath, praying Bruce wasn’t her husband.

Stella: Sorry. Bruce was my pit bull. He was the best dog ever. I got him right after I started teaching, which was almost ten years ago. Now I jog by myself, but it’s not as fun.

Zeke: Not that I can replace your best friend, but I’d love to jog with you. Zeke hated the thought of Stella out alone even if was around her neighborhood. It wasn’t safe for someone as pretty as her to be without protection.

Stella: You mentioned New Oceanside. Do you live close to the beach? Is that where you usually run?

Zeke: I have a house on the beach. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s nice to hear the ocean every night when I lay down. And yes, I run on the sand. Do you like the beach?

Stella: I love it, although I don’t get to see it as often as I’d like. I do visit the coast for at least a week every summer once school lets out.

Zeke: You’re welcome at my house any time. Zeke deleted the sentence. It was too forward even if it was the truth. Instead, he typed: Once we get to know one another better, maybe you can stay at my house instead of a hotel or wherever it is you usually go.

Stella: Thank you for the offer. Since that’s months away, I have a feeling we’ll know each other pretty well by then.

Zeke’s heart stuttered. His mate felt their connection. If things went the way Zeke knew they would, it was possible she would spend all summer with him on the beach. And maybe that’s how things would work. She’d keep her job, and they would live in her home during the school year, visiting the beach house during breaks when they weren’t off traveling. Because they would travel, of that he had no doubt.

Zeke: You’re welcome, and I have the same feeling.

Instead of letting Stella get her rest, Zeke continued chatting with his mate, getting to know little things like

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