Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,79

I’ve never been to California, but I’m sure it’s a beautiful place. And you know me; I have no problem making friends. If the Gargoyles there have mates, Rain and I will be fine while you’re working. You already said you made the commitment.”

“If you’re sure.” Remy only wanted his mate’s happiness. She and Rain had been through so much, and he would do anything to ensure both had everything they wanted, even if that meant moving back to France.

“I am. All I want is to be with you and Rainier. I have lost time to make up for, and I’d like to do that by focusing on our child. I can do that from anywhere. He’s in a good routine here with his friends and tutor. I’d like to observe his interactions so I can mimic them in California. And I would like to meet with his psychiatrist.”

“Do you have nightmares?”

“Sometimes. I don’t think they’ll be as bad or as frequent now that I’m back with you though.”

“Whatever you need, My Love.”

“You. I need you.” Isla crawled on top of Remy and kissed him deeply. He gave her what she needed several times that night.

Isla was in love with the other mates. She met most of them during the Halloween party Frey and Abbi hosted. Over the course of the next two months, Isla had the opportunity to talk with them one-on-one. While Remy went to work, Isla accompanied Rain to the Hartleys’ home, and when Abbi didn’t have dance class to teach, she invited the other mates to visit. Isla had been reluctant to share her story, but the more she heard of what the others had gone through, the easier it became. She cried with them as they shed tears for her, and those bonds became stronger each day.

After meeting Connor, Remy shared the drawing the young boy had drawn. Isla couldn’t stop staring at the little girl in the picture. She had asked Abbi to get her a pregnancy test, and when it showed up as negative, Isla secretly rejoiced. All the poking and prodding, the invasive injections hadn’t worked. The Webers paid a small fortune to have Isla in their home, and she considered it a victory on her part the artificial insemination never took. Looking at the girl in the drawing, Isla felt in her heart the child was hers and Remy’s. Or would be some day. It had taken years for Rain to come into their lives, so Isla knew this child would happen when the fates deemed it so. Isla could wait. She had her precious Rainier to focus on now.

Since they were moving to California so Remy could honor his agreement to run the Pen there, Isla searched online for houses. Money was no issue, so she took her time in finding the perfect home for their little family. Knowing one day a daughter would be added, Isla chose houses with plenty of room. She had narrowed it down to two she really liked, and when Rain and Amelia broke for lunch, she sat her son on her knee and showed him the pictures.

“I like this one, Mum. It has a swimming pool.” Rain chewed his bottom lip and turned his eyes to her. “Will you teach me how to swim?”

Before she could answer, Amelia twirled around the kitchen in a red and green tutu. She had them in every color, plus several for each holiday. Since Christmas was a few days away, red and green were the colors of the day. “I want to swim too! I can do water ballet!” Amelia’s dark hair had fallen from the bun it started out in, and when she stopped spinning, she grabbed onto Isla’s arm. “Will you fix my hair please?”

Isla grinned at the girl. Amelia was a breath of fresh air, and Isla was thankful Rain had such a good friend. Isla set Rain on his feet, then she fixed Amelia’s hair into a braid because the bun, while cute, just wasn’t practical for someone as active as Amelia. “Yes, Rain. I’ll teach you to swim. Maybe when we’re settled, Amelia can come visit.”

“Yes! It’ll be an adventure. I’ve never been to California.” Amelia’s butt wiggled, making it hard for Isla to get the braid finished, but she managed. If Connor’s vision was right, Isla needed the practice.

Remy had reached out to Sinclair and gotten names of Clan members in California who had younger offspring. Not that they were opposed to

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