Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,77

but Isla made the right call when she said, “My bloodline. You know how Percy Jackson has a god for a father?” Rain nodded. “I’m kind of the same way, except instead of my papa being a god, he and my mum both come from a long line of shifters who date back to the original Gargoyles put on Earth. That makes my blood, and now yours, special. In a sense, you’re like Percy.”


“Yes. There are always going to be those – human and shifter alike – who want more than they have. I’m so sorry your Uncle Nash lied to you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”

“But you were there. In here.” Rain tapped his heart. “And so was Papa. I felt you with me. It’s why I wasn’t scared.” Rain looked up at Remy, then back to Isla. “Well, I was scared a little. Especially when they locked me in that tunnel. Mum, please don’t make me visit Uncle Nash. He calls me names.”

“I promise you will never have to see Nash again. Neither will I. Now, how about we see what Percy is up to?”

“Okay.” Rain held out his hand, and Remy crossed the room to sit with his mate and son. As Isla read the opening chapter of book two, Remy tried to follow along, but his mind was full of the future and how to best take care of these two amazing creatures. He thanked the gods several times for bringing them back to him. Neither had been physically harmed, but they weren’t without scars. Remy was going to do everything in his power to ensure they healed mentally. Rain was doing better since he’d been seeing the therapist, and Remy would get Isla an appointment as well.

Four chapters later, Rain was asleep. Isla pulled the covers up around his shoulders and kissed his forehead. Remy rose and stood by the door, but he didn’t rush her. He knew what Isla was feeling. At least he thought he did. Being separated for years had been torture, and the first night he had Rain back, Remy had watched his son sleep all night. He wouldn’t take that away from Isla if she wished to remain by Rain’s side. Surprisingly, his beast wasn’t pushing him. It wanted what was best for their mate too.

After half an hour, Isla kissed Rain again, then rose and walked into Remy’s waiting arms. She leaned her head back, eyes filled with that glint they got when she wanted him. Isla ran her fingers through Remy’s hair, then tugged his head down for a kiss. There was no mistaking what his mate wanted by the way her tongue tangled with his. His mate could be a fierce lover, and that was who Remy was getting. He welcomed her. Grabbing the back of her thighs, Remy picked his mate up, and Isla wrapped her legs around his hips, settling her jeans-covered core against his erection.

“I need you, Mate,” she husked against his mouth.

Remy’s cock lengthened, ready to reclaim his female. “And you’ll have me.”

Chapter Eight

Remy carried Isla to their bedroom, locking the door behind them. Rain was aware of his parents’ nighttime activities. Not sex specifically, but they had explained to him years ago that as a couple, they needed their own play time. The first time Remy had shouted his release, Rain came running, scared his Papa was hurt. That had been the last time they left the door unlocked. Remy had a feeling he would soon be just as loud. It had been too long. With his hands full of his mate’s ass and his mouth filled with her tongue, Remy needed to fill something else.

Releasing his claws, Remy carefully shredded the clothes Isla was wearing. He had wanted to get her out of the items all day because they had been given to her by Elias. Remy didn’t want anything touching his mate purchased by another male. Especially one who thought it was okay to buy another being and use them for their own gain. Isla made quick work of Remy’s clothes, and when they were both naked, she dropped to her knees, wrapping her smaller hand around his hard length.

“I’ve missed this.” Isla’s eyes flared with need before she sheathed his cock in her wet heat.

“Fuck!” Remy had missed that too. His mate loved giving head, but it had been years since they’d last been intimate, so when she tried taking all of him, she gagged. “Easy,

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