Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,75

out of it from the moment they all stormed into her life. Afterward, she and her mum enjoyed some alone time while the males took a tour of the castle. They talked about Rain and what he and Isla both had been through. Imogen gushed about Ben and how she finally had the male she was meant to be with. Isla’s heart hurt for her mother having been denied a life with Ben for over eight centuries. They still had at least two hundred years to be together, if not more, so better late than not at all.

After visiting for a couple hours, Isla said goodbye to her mother and Ben, who promised to visit the States soon so they could love on Rain. Isla was looking forward to it. Between the drive back to the airport and the flight to America, it was almost another twenty-four hours before Isla was reunited with her son. She had wanted to call, but Remy advised against it. Their boy would be a bundle of happy nerves, and Remy didn’t want Abbi and Frey to have to deal with a million questions about how much longer.

Remy did call Frey once they landed to give them a heads up. When they pulled down the long driveway nestled in the woods, Isla grabbed Remy’s hand, squeezing until her knuckles were white.

“Relax. You have nothing to be nervous about.”

Isla wasn’t so sure. Her son had been through a traumatic ordeal, and he was so young. Isla knew it was Nash’s fault, but she still blamed herself. It was what parents did when their child was hurt. Tamian had gone to see his mate, but Lorenzo was still single, so he offered to drive them. Lorenzo explained how he watched over the kids while Abbi and Frey were at the gym. Isla didn’t miss the wistful longing in his voice as the male talked about Rain, Amelia, and Connor. After hearing stories during the long flight, Isla felt as though she already knew the children.

Isla shouldn’t have been surprised to see several adults and three children standing on the front porch when the car stopped. From everything Remy told her about his new Clan, they were wonderful, caring beings. Rain was already running down the steps before Remy got the door opened.

“Papa! Is it really Mum?”

“See for yourself.” Remy stepped back, and Rain’s precious face filled the opening.

“Mum!” Rain climbed into the SUV as fast as his little legs allowed and dove into Isla’s arms. They spent several minutes clutching each other, both crying happy tears. Remy urged them to get out of the vehicle, and Rain held both his parents’ hands as they walked to where everyone was still waiting.

“Look! It’s my Mum!” Rain shouted.

Amelia ran down the steps, her hair bouncing around her shoulders. Dark, mischievous eyes smiled as the little girl spun in circles. “This is a happy day!” She grabbed Rain’s hands and spun him with her. Both kids were stumbling from the spinning dizziness, but they were laughing, and that was the best sound in the world to Isla. Well, maybe not the best, because Remy’s sexy voice in her ear when they were alone was at the top of the list.

Introductions were made, and Abbi offered to feed everyone. Isla’s stomach wasn’t happy, but she chalked that up to all the traveling and lack of routine over the last couple days. She wasn’t used to eating when she wanted. Her meals had been structured. The Webers only fed her nutritious items which were supposed to be optimum for pregnant women or those hoping to be pregnant. Isla had too much chocolate mixed with red wine on the flight back, two things she hadn’t been allowed in too many months. Now, she was paying for it.

Isla could see why Remy wanted to remain in the States. The Stone Clan welcomed Isla and treated her as one of their own immediately. Abbi and Isabelle told her abbreviated versions of how they met their mates. Abbi said that once Isla got settled, she would be introduced to the others and hear their encounters. It was an initiation of sorts, but one that bonded the mates.

Remy had already filled her in on the bombings, so she didn’t expect the females – and Trevor – to be in a hurry to have a get together. They were getting their homes and lives back in order. Plus, she had a son and mate of her own to

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