Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,52

wasn’t sure he could be around the human without taking his head, but he wanted to get back home to Rain.

When the vehicles arrived, Gregor dug around in the back for a black case. He returned with it, and after placing a tourniquet around Craven’s leg where the doctor was still lying on the ground moaning, Gregor gave him a shot of some type. Remy would have preferred to let the human suffer. He had to concede they didn’t need to explain a pool of blood to the car rental company. Once everyone was loaded, they took off for the airport. About ten minutes into the drive, Craven passed out. Remy sat in the passenger seat far enough away from the human he wasn’t tempted to let his beast loose. Tamian had already called Santiago to tell him they were on their way as well as to give the pilot’s brothers the coordinates to where the dead Gargoyles were.

After getting Craven loaded and secured on the jet, Dominic shook their hands. Everyone except Tessa. “It was a pleasure as always, Lass. Lilly and I will pack your belongings and bring them to New Atlanta.”

“But she’s about ready to pop,” Tessa countered.

“She has a couple months yet, but my Lillian wants to be with family when the girls arrive.”

“That’s great. You can stay with us,” the redhead offered without conferring with Gregor. The smile on the male’s face assured Remy he was okay with Tessa’s offer.

“That won’t be necessary. We were going to surprise you, but I’ll go ahead and tell you I have recently purchased a home not far from yours. New Orleans will always be our home, but there are few mated Goyles in our area, and she wants the twins to have cousins to grow up with.”

The badass female sniffed quietly. “That’ll be perfect. We’ll see you soon.” Tessa strode to the plane and climbed the steps. Remy was missing an important piece to the puzzle. Outwardly, Tessa seemed pleased her cousin was moving closer, but her sadness said otherwise.

“You’ll get pregnant when the time comes, Brother. Don’t give up hope,” Dominic whispered to Gregor. Now Tessa’s mood made sense. Kaya had recently given birth to the Clan’s Prince, and several other mates were pregnant. If Tessa and Gregor had been trying a while, it had to hurt to see others succeeding. Remy remembered how excited he and Isla had been when they found out Rain was on the way. He sent up a prayer to the gods that the couple got their wish. Dominic and Gregor embraced, slapping each other’s back. Dominic then grasped Remy’s hand. “I hope you find the answers you need.” Dom inclined his head, then strolled to the SUV. He was going to return the vehicle to the local rental company in New Orleans.

When Remy and Gregor boarded the jet, Tessa was cutting up with the pilot. It was good to see her sadness had dissipated, at least for the moment.

“Would you like to sit in the cockpit?” Santiago asked Remy.

“I would, thank you.” Remy figured Tessa had explained what Craven had done to Rain. It would be better to sit as far away from the human as possible.

He had flown many times in his life, but Remy had never given much thought to the specifics of flying or being a pilot. Santiago went through the motions of getting the jet fired up and moving while telling Remy each aspect. It was educational as well as entertaining. When they were rolling down the runway gathering speed, Remy couldn’t help but grin. Santiago kept Remy’s thoughts off Craven for the most part by talking about his own life and what it was like working with Tamian. When they landed at a small, private airfield, Remy was relaxed. As he went to stand, Santiago grabbed his arm.

“Why don’t you wait here with me while they get the doctor on his way to the Pen?”

Remy agreed and remained seated until Gregor gave them the all-clear. Remy joined Gregor outside the jet, and his boss held out a set of keys. “Go home to Rain. Tessa and I will come by later to get the car. I’ll see to getting Craven locked up. He’s not going anywhere.”

“Thanks, Brother. I’ll be back to work tomorrow. I want a recorded confession from the human I can send to Isla’s parents. They won’t take my word against their own son.”

“Have you considered letting Rain tell them his uncle was the

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