Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,48

“Henry has located Craven. He’s in south Mississippi. Remy, I know you want answers, so I’ll leave it up to you whether you go after him or not. Rain is welcome to stay with Abbi and me.”

“I’m in. I need to do this, Frey.” Aldredge squeezed Remy’s shoulder, offering encouragement.

“Tamian will be going with you. Gregor and Dominic are in New Orleans. They’re going to leave right after the call and head that way. After we’re finished here, Tamian will get with Gregor and decide where to meet. Santiago is getting Tamian’s jet fueled, so you can leave as soon as you’re ready. I assume you want to spend a little time with Rain before you leave?”

“Yes. I need to know he’s okay with me being away from him for a few days.”

“I figured as much. If something happens and you decide to stay in town, Lorenzo will go in your place. If you do go, Deacon has offered to cover your shift at the Pen while you’re gone.”

“Thank you, Deacon.”

Deacon inclined his head. “If I didn’t have my mate to watch over, I’d take the trip with you. I want this piece of shit taken down for what he did to Sabrina’s brother.”

“No. Helping cover at the Pen is more than enough.” Remy was grateful for such a good Clan. It was like being with his own family back in France.

“Okay. Henry has coordinated with Tamian, so he will take lead. Remy, I know you want to kill the bastard, but we need answers first.” Frey’s tone was stern. He was a fine leader, and Remy respected the hell out of the large male.


“After you see Rain, meet Tamian at his place. He’ll drive you to the airport.”

“I’ll text you my address,” Tamian said. He was a half-blood and a clone, but he had Original blood flowing through his veins. He had extraordinary powers, and Remy was more than happy to let the male lead their mission.

“I’ll see you soon.” Remy disconnected and dropped his head into his hands.

Aldredge squeezed his shoulders again. The two had become good friends in the short time they’d worked together. “Go, Brother. Go see Rain, then get this bastard. We’ll hold down the fort until you return.”

Remy raised his head and blew out a breath. “Thanks. I know Rain will be fine with Frey and Abbi, but I worry about leaving him so soon after I got him back.”

“Your boy’s tough. I can check in after my shift if you’d like.”

“Thank you. I doubt that’ll be necessary, but I’m glad to know the offer’s there.” Remy didn’t hang around. There was no need considering he was a trainee. He drove the few miles to get to his boy, keeping just above the speed limit. The front door of Frey’s home opened before Remy was on the porch.

“Daddy!” Rain rushed him, and Remy picked his son up. Remy internally frowned at the moniker, but his boy had been through a traumatic experience. Rain could call Remy whatever he wished. He had a feeling Rain was mimicking Amelia. Speaking of the whirlwind, she was dancing in circles right inside the door while she waited on Rain to return. Remy placed Rain on his feet but kept hold of his little hand.

“Did you come to eat lunch with me?” Rain asked.

“It’s a little early for lunch, but I came to hang out. Plus, I want to talk to you about something.”

Marigold was standing in the doorway. “Do you want me to take Amelia in the other room?”

“Thank you, but that’s not necessary.”

“I’ll go get a snack together.” The young female smiled adoringly at both kids before leaving them alone. Abbi had done well when choosing a tutor.

Remy sat on the sofa and pulled Rain down on his lap. “How would you feel about having a sleepover with Amelia for a few nights? Papa needs to go out of town. It shouldn’t take more than a couple days if that, but it might be longer. If you don’t want me to leave you, I won’t.”

“Where are you going?”

Remy had already decided to be honest. “To find Dr. Craven and put him in jail where he belongs.”

“He’s scary.” Rain’s whispered words wobbled as did his bottom lip.

“Not as scary as me.” Remy vowed to himself the doctor would never hurt another child, or anyone else, again.

Amelia had stopped twirling as she listened intently. Frey didn’t hide much from his daughter. She was aware of the Gargoyles but had

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