Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,32

necessary. Did you really think I’d let you run off with that monster?” Bradley rose from the chair and stretched his neck, the popping eerily loud in the otherwise quiet room.

“Y-you killed him?” Stella’s throat threatened to close. No, he couldn’t have. Zeke couldn’t be killed except by… “No!” She wouldn’t believe it.

“You’re mine, Stella.” Bradley took a step toward her, but she wouldn’t go with him. She couldn’t. She had to find Zeke. Her mate. They were supposed to be together forever, except they hadn’t completed the bond. Stella would continue to age, and Zeke would… “No! Zeke! Zeke!” She rushed through the house toward the back door. She had to find him. Throwing open the French doors, Stella ran across the deck and down the stairs to the sand. The wind whipped her long hair around her face, blinding her.

“Stella.” Strong hands gripped her arms, but she jerked away.

“No! You can’t have me!” Stella ran toward the sound of the waves. She had to get away from Bradley. She wouldn’t let him take her.

Chapter Eight

“Stella, I’m here.” Zeke’s strong voice called out to her. He wasn’t dead.

“Zeke?” Stella still couldn’t see her Gargoyle. “Where are you?”

“I’m right here. Open your eyes.” Gentle fingers brushed her hair off her face. Stella blinked her eyes open, and Zeke was sitting on the side of the bed, his brow furrowed. Stella sat up and threw her arms around his neck.

“You’re here. You’re not dead.”

“No, Love. I’m fine. You were having a bad dream.” Zeke held her tightly, rubbing circles over her back and pressing kisses to her temple.

Stella leaned back, searching his face. “Hi,” she whispered.

“Are you okay?” Zeke stroked her right cheek, always avoiding the bruises.

“I am now.” Stella pushed herself back, and Zeke fixed the pillows so they were between her and the headboard. When she was settled, Stella reached for Zeke, encouraging him to move closer. “I want to complete the bond.”

Zeke picked up her hand and kissed her fingertips. “We will, when you’re feeling better.”

Stella shook her head. After the dream, she wanted it to be sooner rather than later. “Being your mate will make me feel better.”

“Baby, the bite bonds us for centuries. Are you sure you don’t want to get to know me better?”

“I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. But before we complete the bond, I think you should kiss me.” Stella cupped the back of Zeke’s neck, ready to make the move if he didn’t.

“Is that right?” Zeke’s blue eyes sparkled. Stella could tell he was trying not to grin.

“Mmmhmm. I mean, you wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it, would you?” Stella threaded her fingers through Zeke’s hair as he leaned closer.

“No, I don’t guess you would.” Zeke closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to hers. He had kissed her in the hospital, but that had been sweet. This one started off the same way, but a fire flamed from deep inside. Stella nipped at his lower lip, begging for more. Zeke teased her mouth with his tongue, and Stella answered the challenge. Kissing this man was like coming home, only instead of four walls, home was his warrior soul. Their breaths mingled as their tongues danced a slow, seductive number. Stella’s fingers tangled with his hair, keeping his head where she wanted it. A low growl emanated from within Zeke’s chest, and Stella pulled away, curious as to what she’d done wrong.

“Did you just growl at me?”

“No, I growled at my Goyle. He’s being a pushy bastard.”

Stella smirked as she ran her pointer finger over Zeke’s lips. “Yeah? What’s he saying?”

“He’s demanding I mark you.”

Stella leaned back against the pillows, missing the heat from her blond, but she had to know how he felt. “And you don’t want that?”

“More than I want my next breath, but you’re hurt, and I won’t do anything to add to your injuries.”

“Bast, you’re sweet. But I need you, Zeke. I know it’s crazy how fast this is happening, but who am I to tell the fates to eff off?”


“Shh.” Stella placed her fingers against Zeke’s lips. “I trust you, and I trust the fates. I’ve always believed in the mystical. In the stars and planets aligning.” Stella pushed the covers down her legs, then lowered the top of her sweatpants only far enough to show off a tattoo.

Zeke brushed his fingers over the ink. “I’m not familiar with the symbol, but the moon and stars are sexy on

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