Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,18

they were alone, his beast pushed at him to claim Stella.

Are you crazy? She’s hurt. And I won’t claim her without her consent.

It’ll help heal her sooner.

You don’t know that. But Zeke remembered how Frey bit Abbi when he thought she was dying. Only Stella wasn’t dying. She would recover, and then he would never leave her side again. At least not until he proved they belonged together and she agreed to be his mate.

Stella stirred but didn’t wake. Zeke texted Cyrus and let him know Zeke wasn’t planning on going anywhere. Cyrus left to find a hotel and said he’d be back in the morning. Zeke spent the night talking to her when he wasn’t dozing. Telling her how he claimed to be her fiancé just to get in the room, then everything he planned to say when she woke. He vowed to find who did this to her and make them pay. His beast was onboard with that. Connie came in a couple times during the night. The first time she seemed surprised Zeke was awake. The second, she brought him a cup of coffee, and they chatted for a few minutes. Later, she returned with a new nurse and introduced them.

“Zeke, this is Sunny. She’ll be watching over Stella on day shift.”

Zeke inclined his head to Sunny. “Thank you, Connie.”

Connie left, and Sunny checked the machines at Stella’s bedside. Zeke could tell her they hadn’t changed all night. Well, her heart monitor had sped up a few times when he was speaking to her, but he didn’t know if it was because he was talking about his Goyle or if she recognized his voice.

“So, fiancé, huh? That’s an exciting time. I remember when my Raymond proposed to me. It was two weeks after we met. Everyone said it was too soon, but we’ve been married twenty-three years. Sometimes you just know.” Sunny stood on the opposite side of the bed, and her demeanor went from caring to concerned. “I have to say I’m surprised, though. When Bradley was here yesterday, he acted like Stella was his. He sat where you are, holding her hand the same tentative way.”

Zeke had no idea who this Bradley was. Stella hadn’t mentioned another male, and she had told Zeke she looked forward to getting to know him. Maybe he was an ex, and if that were the case, he could stay away. “I assure you Stella is mine. If I hadn’t been out of town on business, I would have been here with her. If I hadn’t been out of town, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.” His tone must have convinced the nurse he was telling the truth. “Were you here when the police came by?”

“Yes. Stella wasn’t coherent enough to answer their questions. They’re coming back this morning. Then again, so is Bradley. This is my floor, Zeke, and I won’t have you upsetting the patients. If you and Mr. Calhoun have issues, take them outside.”

“Understood.” Now Zeke had a last name. As soon as Sunny left to check on other patients, Zeke pulled out his phone and searched the man’s name. It didn’t take long to figure out Bradley Calhoun was the principal at the high school where Stella taught. Maybe Sunny misread the situation, and Calhoun was concerned about one of his teachers. That thought was nixed a few minutes later.

“Good morning, Beautiful. I brought you— Who the fuck are you?” Bradley Calhoun was a good-looking man in his early forties. He was as tall as Zeke but not as broad. His dark hair was plastered to his head with some type of product, and his green eyes blazed with fury. Bradley set the vase of red roses on the rolling cart beside Stella’s bed, then crossed his arms over his chest.

Zeke didn’t bother to get up. He continued caressing Stella’s knuckles. “Ezekiel Seymour.”

“And? That doesn’t tell me shit. You need to leave.”

“And you need to keep your voice down, Mr. Calhoun,” Sheila chastised as she entered the room. “I could hear you halfway down the hall. Good morning, Zeke.” If Sheila was surprised to see him, she didn’t let on. “I’m sorry I didn’t return your call, but I figured you were on your way.” Sheila wouldn’t meet his eyes.

“Of course I was. I have to ask – how’d you get Stella’s phone?”

Bradley puffed out his chest. “I brought it to Sheila along with Stella’s purse.”

Zeke wanted to punch the smarmy dick, but instead,

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