Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,105

lucky. It could have been so much worse. She could have died in the explosion. Sebastian would more than likely have been killed if Priscilla hadn’t chosen to take him to the garden. They were all alive, and their home could be rebuilt. It was being rebuilt. The Clan back home had bonded together to get the destroyed houses put back to rights, starting with Nik’s since he and Sophia had a new baby girl.

After brushing her teeth and pulling her hair back in a ponytail, Kaya grabbed her cane and made her way to the kitchen. She paused at the doorway to enjoy the sight of her mate dancing with their son while Priscilla cooked breakfast. Rafael was singing in Italian, and Bas was patting his papa’s face, cooing along. At six months, Bas had Kaya’s bright blue eyes and Rafe’s darker hair. He was happy and healthy, both more important than his features. If she could only say the same about her mate, all would be right in her world. Rafe was healthy, but he wasn’t happy. He put on a good front, but Kaya knew her male. Knew how he hid his worries from her. Knew he blamed himself for what happened.

“Look, Bas. There’s your pretty momma.” Rafael danced over to where she was standing. Sebastian reached out for her, but Rafe pulled him back. That was another thing that needed to change. Kaya could manage without her cane, and damnit, she could hold her son.

She shuffled over to the table and sat down, holding out her arms. “Give me,” she ordered. Rafael placed Bas in her arms, then sat down next to her. Kaya loved her mate more than anything in the world except maybe Sebastian. She loved her child in equal measure, just differently. She appreciated how well Rafael had taken care of her during her rehabilitation. How he continued to be there for her every step of the way, but in doing so, he had abandoned his other responsibilities. Frey, according to Rafe, was doing a fine job of leading the Clan, but Kaya reminded him often it wasn’t Frey’s duty. Rafael was still the King.

Kaya missed their Clan. Missed being around the other mates. Their Italian villa was a glorious sanctuary, but the longer they remained, the more it felt like a prison. She was ready to go home even if it meant staying with Frey and Abbi for a while. Kaya could use a dose of Amelia’s brand of happiness. Going home meant convincing Rafael she was well enough and he was good enough.

Priscilla placed Kaya’s plate in front of her. “You’re looking spry this morning,” Priscilla said with a wink.

Kaya hid her smile behind Sebastian’s head. “Thank you. I feel spry. As a matter of fact, after we eat, I want to take a walk to the cliffs.”

“Kaya,” Rafael started to object.

“You heard the doctor. As long as I have my cane, I can walk as much as I want. He recommended getting more exercise, and I need the fresh air.”

“I don’t want you to overdo it.” Rafe reached for Sebastian, but Kaya pushed his hand away.

“I’ve got him.” Kaya settled the baby in her left arm, then began eating. Her arm had healed nicely, and she had gotten the cast removed a couple weeks ago. It was entertaining trying to get the food to her mouth with little grabby hands making for the fork, but Kaya managed. More than once Rafael reached out to help, and every time, Kaya glared at her mate.

Finally, Priscilla slapped Rafe’s shoulder. “Your food is getting cold.” Their beloved housekeeper had gotten bolder with her interference, and she was on Kaya’s side. Both women were ready to go home. Priscilla loved their little family, but she missed the others more than Kaya did. She had been taking care of the Clan a long time, and they were her adopted sons and daughters. To her, Sebastian was her grandchild, but so were Connor and Amelia. Sophia had given birth to Lydia, and Priscilla was anxious to see the baby girl, as was Kaya.

Priscilla joined them at the table. That was something else that had changed. Before coming to Italy, the woman had always waited until they finished eating to feed herself. Kaya insisted she join them, and Priscilla, after very little fussing, did so. She waited until Rafe had a mouthful of food to drop her bomb.

“I have prepared several meals and put them in the

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