The Specialist (Norcross #3) - Anna Hackett Page 0,64


“Easton and his family—” Harlow waved at the others “—have been keeping me safe. All of us.”

Her mother’s mouth dropped open.

“And I’m staying with Easton.” Harlow’s gaze met his. “And I’m…in love with him.”

His fingers flexed on her shoulder.

“Oh.” Mrs. Carlson swallowed. “And how do you feel about my daughter, Mr. Norcross?”


“I’ve met handsome, rich men before, Harlow. They take what they want, then discard it when they’re done.” The woman’s gaze met his head on. Behind him, Easton heard Saxon and his brothers chuckling quietly.

Eleanor Carlson was clearly finding her spine.

“I want to know your intentions toward my daughter.”

Harlow groaned.

Scarlett snickered. “Mom, did that yoga retreat include some sassiness lessons?”

“Mrs. Carlson, I’m in love with your daughter,” Easton said.

Harlow’s face softened, and she smiled.

“And I plan to marry her.”

Harlow choked. “What?”

Eleanor smiled. “Well, that’s very good to hear.”

Harlow shook her head. “I… I…”

“Not right now.” He cupped Harlow’s jaw. “But eventually.”

Harlow started breathing fast. “I…need a second.”

“She’s going to hyperventilate,” Scarlett said.

Easton smiled. “Nothing like knocking the ever-efficient Ms. Carlson off balance.”

Harlow rallied enough to elbow him. “I guess that means that one day, I’m going to have your babies.”

He froze, his mind going blank. Babies? Then his brain filled with an image of Harlow, her belly swollen with their child.

“Ha, got you back,” she said.

He shook his head. “Tell your mother what’s been going on with your father.”

When he looked up, he saw Scarlett smiling at him.

He wandered over to join Saxon, Rome, and his brothers. Saxon slapped his arm. “Welcome to the gang.”

Vander looked at the ceiling and Rome shook his head.

“The whipped gang,” Rome muttered.

“The regular sex with a gorgeous woman who lights up your soul gang,” Rhys corrected.

Easton watched mother and daughters. Harlow used her hands as she talked.

Finally, Eleanor Carlson jumped to her feet, her hands balled into fists. “I’m going to kill him.”

“I have no idea exactly how much he owes Antoine, but it’s a lot,” Harlow said.

Mrs. Carlson pressed her fingers to her temples.

Suddenly, the door opened, and an older female doctor in blue scrubs stepped out.

“Charles Carlson’s family?”

Harlow whirled. “That’s us.”

With arms around each other, the women stood in front of the doctor. Easton stood right behind Harlow, pressing his hand to her back.

“My name is Dr. Navarro,” the doctor said. “He made it through surgery.”

“Thank God,” Mrs. Carlson breathed.

“He’ll have a challenging recovery ahead, but nothing vital was damaged. He’s very lucky.”

Harlow and Scarlett sobbed.

“Can we see him?” Mrs. Carlson asked.

“He’s in recovery and still unconscious. Mrs. Carlson, you can pop back for a short visit. I suggest everyone else come back tomorrow when he’s awake.”

“Thank you, Dr. Navarro,” Harlow said.

Rome jerked his chin. “I’ll stay with Mrs. Carlson.”

Easton nodded. “Mrs. Carlson, you’re welcome to stay the night with us.”

“Please call me Eleanor, Easton. And no. I’m staying here.”

Easton ran a hand over Harlow’s hair. She turned to him and he pulled her close.

Since Easton hadn’t slept the night before, it didn’t surprise Harlow that she woke first the next morning.

Warmth spread through her. She got to watch him sleeping.

Her father was alive, and the knife had been returned. Her mom and her sister were safe. Right now, Harlow could just breathe, and enjoy watching her man sleep.

She was on her belly, and he was on his side, facing her, with one muscled arm a delicious, heavy weight across her lower back.

God, he was so handsome.

Not sleek and pretty. No, he was ruggedly handsome. Even in sleep, he didn’t look boyish. The sharp blade of his nose, his high cheekbones, and ink-black lashes resting on his cheeks. There was so much to take in. Stubble covered his jaw, and his Italian heritage was stamped all over him.

With a happy sigh, she nestled into the pillow and watched him. Finally, she got to see him totally relaxed. She already knew that he was bad at switching off, too busy trying to outrun the darkness of his past. She smiled. She’d help him with that. Help him learn to relax.

This amazing man was in love with her. She reached up and traced his full bottom lip. He shifted a little, his arm tightening on her.

She moved closer and ghosted her lips over his, then let her hands stroke down his pecs.

As her fingers stroked his stomach, his eyes opened.

“Good morning, Mr. Norcross,” she whispered. She slipped her hand inside his boxers. She wrapped her fingers around his hardening cock.

“It’s a very good morning, Ms. Carlson.” His voice was rumbly with sleep.

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