Special Ops - By W.E.B. Griffin Page 0,68

on the road, Lieutenant,” Pappy said.

“Yes, sir.”

As he climbed out of Pope, Jack turned and looked in the backseat and saw that Pappy was already asleep with his head resting on the pillow he had brought with him.



Central Intelligence Agency Langley, Virginia

FROM : Assistant Director For Administration

FROM: 20 December 1964 2305 GMT

SUBJECT : Guevara, Ernesto (Memorandum #4.)

TO: Mr. Sanford T. Felter

Counselor To The President

Room 637, The Executive Office Building

Washington, D.C.

By Courier

In compliance with Presidential Memorandum to The Director, Subject: “Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara,” dated 14 December 1964, the following information is furnished:

1. (Reliability Scale Five) (From CIA, Algiers, Algeria) SUBJECT met 1600-1825 GMT 19 December 1964 with Ben Bella, Chief of State of the Algerian Government at the Presidential Palace. No official announcement of the meeting was made.

2. (Reliability Scale Five). SUBJECT at 1905 GMT 19 December 1964 returned to residence of Cuban Ambassador. There have been many visitors to the residence, identities are being developed.

Howard W. O’Connor



[ FOUR ]

The Southern Star, Ozark, Alabama, 23 December 1964:


By Joe Adams

Fort Rucker Dec 23— Miss Marjorie W. Bellmon, of Fort Rucker, was united in marriage this afternoon to First Lieutenant Jacques E. Portet, in an Episcopal Ceremony at Chapel Number One at Fort Rucker.

The bride, a graduate of Southern Methodist University, is the daughter of Major General and Mrs. Robert F. Bellmon. General Bellmon is the Commanding General of Fort Rucker and the Army Aviation Center. Prior to her marriage, she was employed by the First National Bank of Ozark.

Lieutenant Portet, a graduate of the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) , is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Portet of Ocean Reef, Florida. He is stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C.

The bride was attended by Mrs. Allan Wood, of Ozark, as her matron of honor, and the groom’s sister, Jeanine Portet, served as flower girl. Miss Bellmon was given in marriage by her father. Mr. Portet served as his son’s best man. Mrs. John D. Roberts, of Ozark, sang “I Love You Truly” during the ceremony. The organist was Mrs. Nancy Higham, of Ozark.

The newly united couple left the chapel beneath an arc of sabers, following military tradition. The saber bearers were commanded by Captain John S. Oliver of Fort Rucker.

A reception followed at the Fort Rucker Officers’ Open Mess. Following a wedding trip to Florida, the couple will reside in Fort Bragg, N.C.

The Army Flier, Fort Rucker, Ala., 23 December 1964:


BY PFC Charles E. Whaley

Fort Rucker 23 Dec— Miss Marjorie Waterford Bellmon, daughter of Fort Rucker Commanding General and Mrs. Robert F. Bellmon was married this afternoon at Chapel #1 in a ceremony conducted by Chaplain (Col.) H. Dennis Smythe to First Lieutenant J. E. Portet, Inf.

Major General Bellmon gave the bride in marriage, and her brother, Second Lieutenant Robert F. Bellmon, Armor (USMA ’64), served as an usher. Miss Bellmon was attended by Mrs. Allan Wood as her matron of honor.

Captain Jean-Philippe Portet, who “flew the Hump” in the China-Burma -India Theater as a Captain, US Army Air Corps, during World War II, and is now Chief Pilot of Air Simba, the state airline of the former Belgian Congo, served as Lieutenant Portet’s best man.

Major General Bellmon (USMA ’39) is the son of the late Major General and Mrs. Herbert Bellmon, USA, and Mrs. Bellmon is the daughter of the late Major General and Mrs. Porterman K. Waterford, USA. Her brother, Brig Gen Porterman K. Waterford IV (USMA ’42), is Commandant of Cadets at the US Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.

First Lieutenant Portet, who is an Army Aviator and Parachutist, is qualified in multiengine aircraft, and holds a Special Instrument Rating. He has also completed Special Forces (“Green Beret”) training. He is assigned as an Aviation Officer on the staff of the Commanding General, at the John F. Kennedy Center for Special Warfare, Fort Bragg, N.C.

Following the nuptial ceremony, 1st Lt and Mrs. Portet exited the chapel beneath an arc of swords. The honor platoon of officers was commanded by Captain John S. Oliver, Armor, until recently aide-de -camp to Major General Bellmon.

A reception was held at the Fort Rucker Officers’ Open Mess, following which First Lieutenant and Mrs. Portet departed for a wedding trip to Florida. They will reside at Fort Bragg, N.C.

Mrs. Liza Wood did not speak to Captain John S. Oliver during the wedding rehearsal, nor the wedding dinner, nor during the wedding itself, and she did not attend the reception.

[ FIVE ]

Room 1105

Ocean Breeze Motel

Panama City,

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