Special Ops - By W.E.B. Griffin Page 0,50

Portet and kissed him, lightly, on the cheek. And looked out of her intelligent gray eyes into his for a moment, and kissed him again.

She put her hand under Jack Portet’s arm and leaned her head against his shoulder.

“May I presume,” Lowell said, “from that awful display of affection, that I will not have to concern myself with Sergeant Portet’s well-being while we’re here?”

“I’ll take care of him,” Marjorie said. “You won’t have to worry about him at all.”

“In that case, let’s get out of here,” Hanrahan said.

[ FIVE ]

Daleville, Alabama

1615 18 December 1964

Jack Portet, as they rode in Marjorie’s MG-B through Daleville, the small town that sits between Cairns Army Airfield and Fort Rucker—known as “The Post”—decided that discretion was the better part of lust, and did not, as he was sorely tempted to do, put his hand on Miss Bellmon’s knee.

“I’ve got to stop by the officers’ sales store, baby,” he said.

“Will it wait? It’s quarter after four.”

“Mine not to reason why, mine but to gallop into the valley of the officers’ sales store,” Jack said.

“He’s got you running errands, doesn’t he?” she said, annoyed, but then added, “But I will forgive him, for he has brought my baby to me.”

She reached over and caught his hand, and squeezed it, and when she let go to downshift, it was over her knee, and he gave in to the temptation and let it drop onto her knee. After a moment, her hand covered his.

“I wonder what you and I can do to pass the time when everybody else is at Johnny’s farewell party?” she asked innocently.

The MP at the gate spotted the blue officer’s sticker on the MG-B’s bumper, popped to attention, and saluted.

Jack returned it.

“I don’t know if sergeants are supposed to do that or not,” Jack said. “But if I were on the gate, and saluted another EM, I would be annoyed.”

“It’s supposed to be ‘a greeting between warriors,’ ” Marjorie said.

The staff sergeant in charge of the officers’ sales store saw Marjorie’s car pull up outside and had time to go in the back and tell the lieutenant in charge that the general’s daughter was coming into the store.

“Good afternoon, Miss Bellmon,” the lieutenant said when Jack and Marjorie walked in. “How can I be of service?”

“I’m with the sergeant,” Marjorie said. “Thanks anyway.”

I wonder what the hell that’s all about? the lieutenant thought, but he smiled at Jack and asked, “How can I help you, Sergeant?”

“I’ll probably need one of everything,” Jack said. “But I think I’ll leave precisely what up to Miss Bellmon.”

He handed Marjorie a thick sheaf of mimeographed paper. She looked at him curiously and then read it.


16 December 1964



E * X * T * R * A * C * T

101. SERGEANT Jacques Emile PORTET, US52397606, Hq & Hq Company USAAVN Center Fort Rucker, Ala is HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the military service for the convenience of the government under the provisions of AR 615-365. EM auth travel pay and appropriate per diem to his Home of Record, 404 Avenue Leopold, Léopoldville, Republic of the Congo.

102. FIRST LIEUTENANT Jacques Emile PORTET, Inf, 0-391123, US Army Reserve, having reported for extended active duty for a period of no less than three (3) years is assigned to Hq & Hq Company, John F. Kennedy Center for Special Warfare, Fort Bragg, N.C. Travel pay and appropriate per diem from officer’s Home of Record, 404 Avenue Leopold, Léopoldville, Republic of the Congo, is authorized.

103. FIRST LIEUTENANT Jacques Emile PORTET, Inf, 0-391123, Hq & Hq Company, JFK Center for Spec War, Ft Bragg, NC, is placed on TDY for a period not to exceed forty-five (45) days and will proceed USAAVN Center, Fort Rucker, Ala for the purpose of undergoing special flight training by the Ft Rucker Instrument Flight Examiner Board leading to his designation as an Army Aviator, fixed and rotary wing, single and multi-engine with Special Instrument Rating. Off is auth per diem and travel by Privately Owned Vehicle. AUTH: Verbal Orders of the Chief of Staff, US Army to Comm Gen JFK Center for Special Warfare Ft Bragg, NC 0830 Hours 15 Dec 1964.

E * X * T * R * A * C * T


John B. Stevenson



Special 201-Portet, Jacques E., 0-391123

“Oh, my God!” Marjorie said.

She looked at Jack, and he shrugged and smiled.

“You did this for me!” she accused. “Oh, Jack, you damned fool!”

“I did it because Colonel Felter said he

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