Special Delivery Winter - Aria Grace Page 0,55

just as I remembered them, and they were overjoyed that we’d reconnected.

“You know, I’d always hoped you’d find your way back to each other,” Jane had said to me during a private moment in the kitchen. “You’re such a responsible man, and he’s--well, he needs a stabilizing force in his life, like you.

“Thanks,” I’d told her. “He’s a free spirit at heart, though, and I don’t want to change that. I think we’re a perfect match. He’s helped me to see that life should be fun and exciting. He’s very special, you know.” That’s when she gave me a warm hug, and I knew I’d found a second family.

After dinner, we made ourselves comfortable in the living room as Colton and his dad served holiday drinks.

“Excuse me,” Colton announced when everyone had drinks in hand. The room quieted down.

I watched and listened as he shared our news with the room, and as expected, we were instantly caught up in a storm of hugs and congratulations, the likes of which I’d never seen. His mom fell into my arms with tears in her eyes.

“Wow, I’m finally going to be a grandma. I’m so happy for you two! I love you so much!” she cried.

It was all very sweet and heartwarming, and when they finally turned to other topics, I pulled Colton aside, grabbed our jackets, and led him outside into the crisp, night air.

“I couldn’t wait to get you alone, omega.” I gave him a long, sensuous kiss, pulling him close with my arms around his waist.

“I know. Same here. You’re sleeping over tonight, I hope,” he said with wide eyes.

“Of course, I am. I couldn’t imagine sleeping without you. Whenever you’re not beside me, I wake up in a cold sweat, wondering why you’re not beside me.”

The next morning, I woke up in an exceptionally good mood. It was Christmas, and I got to give Colton the gift I’d been hiding from him.

I glanced at him beside me in bed. Good. He was still asleep. This gave me a chance to sneak the present to its spot on the tree.

I rolled out of bed quietly and tiptoed out of the room. I closed the door gently, found my jacket in the front closet, and pulled the gift out of my pocket.

A pair of keys. But not just any keys. They were keys to our new house, the one that I secretly bought a few days ago. Of course, I hadn’t bought it without considering Colton's preferences. We’ve been looking at local real estate at my suggestion, and I’d paid very close attention to Colton’s reactions to the listings. This was a gorgeous two-story home, close to his parents, and after checking out the listing, he couldn’t stop raving about it. He was smitten, and I knew he had to have the house. Of course, I’d pretended we were just browsing, but I’d made a mental note and called the agent as soon as I could. I had bought it on the condition that we could cancel within one week, so if I was totally off the mark and Colton did not want it, no harm done.

I hung the keys on one of the most prominent branches of the tree, in hopes that he wouldn’t miss it, and then I made us a quick breakfast.

“Parker, what are you doing out here?” Colton asked as he strolled out of his room.

“My Prince, you’re up! Merry Christmas!” I pulled him close and gave him a kiss on his forehead, followed by his lips. “This is the best Christmas I've ever had,” I said, “and it’s all thanks to you, my crazy, wild omega.”

Colton sighed and rested his head on my shoulder. “I’m just happy you came back,” Colton said.

I could feel his heart beating against my chest, and I swallowed a lump in my throat. I was going to start crying tears of joy if I didn’t change the subject.

“I hope you like the breakfast,” I said, moving aside so he could see the stove.

“Wow, you’ve really outdone yourself, I see.”

It wasn’t fancy, but I made feta and tomato omelets, breakfast sausages, pancakes and toast.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” I said, leaving out the fact that the previous day I’d spent close to an hour looking at recipes. I was proud of myself, considering that my diet in New York had consisted of Chinese takeout and tons of pasta and pizza from the Italian place down the street from my apartment.

We ate breakfast, planned out

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