Sparrow’s Flight by Jenika Snow Page 0,30

and she exhaled. “Sparrow, sweetheart, can you please lower the gun? I don’t want to have to drag my shot-up ass and Mason’s back to the cabin.” Suddenly, her arm felt far too heavy, and she lowered it to the side but kept her finger on the trigger. She didn’t know if more of the sick would come, or if Collin would deliver on his promise and find her.

“We came back for you. We came back for you, but you were gone.” Mason’s voice was low but deep. “You were fucking gone, and then all hell broke loose.” She also heard a slight slur mixed with his words, distorting them.

She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think.

“Sparrow? Are you okay?” Both he and Mason moved toward her, but she could see how much work it took for Mason to stay upright. Seeing him wounded snapped something inside her, and she tucked her gun at the small of her back and rushed toward them. Taking the other half of his weight, she heard Mason sigh and felt him lean into her.

“You said something about a cabin?” She addressed Asher but was looking Mason over. The nurse in her kicked in when she got a look at the wound on his shoulder. Holding onto his waist a little tighter, she finally looked up at Asher. He watched her intently. “What?” He didn’t seem the least bit worried about Mason, which made her feel slightly better, but not by much.

“You’re worried about him?”

“Of course I’m worried about him. He was shot, and the longer we sit here and talk about it, the more he bleeds.”

Asher grew serious and nodded. “You’re right, but he’ll be fine. We’ve been in worse shape than this.”

“It’s true, little bird.” She snapped her eyes to Mason, and her pulse sped up at the endearment that came from him. He tilted his head to the side, just enough that he could look at her, and gave her a smile that looked slightly drunk. “Much worse.”

“Come on, he’s going to pass out soon, and I want to get this cleaned up.” Shit, if she still had her bag, she would have been able to use the first aid supplies she grabbed back at the pharmacy. “I wish I had my bag.”

“Here.” She looked up at Asher and saw him holding her backpack. “Mason grabbed it before we left.”

Her chest squeezed tight, and she realized that although it had only been four days she’d been with these men, she cared for them. It wasn’t love, and although she found them both immensely attractive and wanted them, she couldn’t even say the reason she cared for them was because of lust.

She cared for them as humans, as two men who helped when she had been in trouble, and men who shared their food and water with her when she had nothing. They hadn’t killed her and taken what little she had like others would have. She had never felt safer than she did with them, and that was saying a lot. A hell of a lot. When everything was going on and she had been hit by Fat Ass in McMillian’s, and all the way up until she was here with them right now, all she had thought about was them, even when she thought they wouldn’t come for her. They had gotten hurt for her, trying to save her, and tears of gratitude filled her eyes, but she couldn’t deal with that right now. She needed to make sure Mason was okay.

“Yeah, I saw a cabin about half a mile north. Not sure the state of it, but it’s our best bet for shelter for tonight.” There was a hardness in Mason’s voice, and she knew he was trying his damnedest not to show that he was in pain.

“Well let’s stop talking and get there before…” She saw the way Asher looked over at her, and then saw the crease formed between Mason’s eyes. “Let’s just get there before anymore of the infected show up.” What she wasn’t saying was they needed to get the fuck out of there, because Collin might show up, and if he did, she knew there would be another fight between her two guys and that asshole. The state Mason was in wouldn’t bode well for them.

Chapter Eleven

Fortunately, when they reached the cabin, it was vacant. Mason had seen the cabin when he had been hiking a few times with... when he had hiked, but he had never Copyright 2016 - 2024