Southern Secrets (Southern #7) - Natasha Madison Page 0,84

him. Men are running in and out of the barn. People are everywhere. An EMT truck is there with the lights on as they run into the barn.

"I need to get there," I say to the man who I’ve met a couple of times when I went to visit my father at his office.

"I’m sorry. I’ve been told to block everyone from getting closer," he says, and I look behind me as the EMT truck comes straight toward us. I move to the side of the deputy’s truck while the EMT drives around him. He is going too fast for it to be nothing. I put my hand over my eyes to look without the sun blinding me.

My breaths come in pants as my mouth waters, and I think I’m going to be sick on the side of the road. "Oh my God," I say, putting my hand on my forehead. My feet move as I pace in front of him. "Oh my God.” I stop moving and put my hands on my knees as I start to panic. He walked away from me thinking I didn’t love him goes through my head. The last thing I said to him was it was a lie. "Oh my God," I say, trying to catch my breath. My grandfather rubs my back.

"Breathe in and out," he says. "Focus and breathe." I listen to him and then turn to the deputy, shaking my head.

"I have to get in there." He looks at me and then looks back at the barn. "My father is in there," I say, pushing past him, and he knows better than to follow me. I hear my grandfather issuing an apology and saying that it’s going to be okay. I run to the entrance of the barn.

Another deputy is there, stopping me from going closer as he talks on his radio. "You need to stay out here."

"What’s going on?" I ask, hoping he tells me that this is just a precaution. Hoping he tells me it’s nothing. Hoping like hell the beating of my heart echoing in my ears will let me listen to what he has to say. My mouth goes dry and my hands start to shake as I look at the second ambulance take their stretcher out.

"One person shot," he says, and my hand goes to my mouth. "Not sure he’s going to make it."

"Oh my God." I push past him as I’m walking toward the barn. The tears run down my face, and I see the ambulance come out with a man on it, his black hair stopping me from moving.

My legs give out on me, and I hit the grass with his name on my lips. The sob rips through me, and all I can do is put my hands on my chest. "Asher," I say softly. People walk in and out of the barn, and it’s almost like a dream when I see him walking out.

He’s looking down, and his white shirt has blood on it. I get up. "Asher." I call out his name, and he looks up. His eyes find mine, and he runs over to me. I meet him halfway. He wraps his arms around me, and I smell him while I sob. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he picks me up around my waist. "I’m sorry," I whisper in his ear. "I’m so, so sorry." I let go of him and kiss his lips. "I don’t care what your name is," I say between wiping my face with the back of my hand. He leans in and kisses me softly. "I know in my heart who you are," I say. "You’re okay." My hands go to his face to touch him. To make sure this isn’t a dream. "Are you hurt?"

"No." He places me down on my feet and looks down at me. He reaches his hand up to cup my face. I turn my face and kiss his palm.

"I thought you were shot," I say softly, and I see my father coming to us followed by Ethan, Casey, Quinn, and Beau. "How did they get here so fast?" I ask.

"You were supposed to make sure she stayed away from here," my father says, looking over my head to my grandfather, standing with his hands on his hips.

"You had one job," my uncle Casey says, shaking his head.

"Nice, Grandpa," Quinn says, smirking at him.

"You guys think you can stop her?" my grandfather says. "You also said Copyright 2016 - 2024