Southern Secrets (Southern #7) - Natasha Madison Page 0,57

open it again, my tongue coming out to seek hers. She moans into my mouth, and it shoots straight to my cock. Her hand goes to the back of my neck as her fingers go into my hair.

The song ends, and all you can hear in the dimly lit bar is the sound of us kissing. My head moves to the other side, deepening the kiss. My lips let hers go, and I rub her nose gently with mine. Our chests are pressed against each other. "Another thing I was dying all night to do." I kiss her lips. "Is kiss you."

"Really?" She kisses under my chin. "What else have you been dying to do?" she asks me in a wicked way. This past week has been pure torture for me, lying with her and kissing the shit out of her.

"Other things I can’t say," I joke, kissing her lips and then moving the kisses to her cheek and then to her neck. The smell of lavender is still on her. “So many other things.”

She giggles, and it’s like music to my ears. Even more so, it’s hurting the fuck out of my cock that is restricted by my jeans. “Really?” She bends back to see my eyes, and I love the color of her eyes when she’s playful. They are a crystal blue, and in her left eye is one little speck of dark. "I’ve been thinking of other things also." I stop moving as I look at her. My hand drops from her neck, and we stand in front of each other. Her long tanned legs are on show, and when I saw her outfit tonight, it took everything in me not to cover her up. When she turned around to grab something, I made sure to stand in front of her, even though she was wearing my shirt around her waist and you couldn’t see anything.

"Amelia," I say her name in more of a plea, looking up at the ceiling.

"I’ve been thinking about …" She wraps her arms around my waist and kisses my neck softly. "About kissing you." She moves over to the other side of my neck and kisses me, driving me fucking mad. All I want to do is bury my hands in her hair and then drag her to the middle of the floor and have my way with her.

"I’m hanging on by a thread," I say, my hands on her hips to force her not to move any closer to me or else I’ll shoot off like a kid.

"Tell me what you're thinking about?" she asks, her voice so soft.

"That’s not fair." I look down at her.

"Why?" she asks, and her hands slide under the hem of my shirt, making me hiss.

"Because," I say, trying to focus on anything but the way her hands feel on me.

"Fine, I’ll go first," she says. "I want to kiss you in places no one can see."

I groan and take a step back as I look at her. "You have no idea what you do to me."

"Tell me?" she whispers.

"You drive me crazy,” I finally huff out. "Kissing you is what I think about doing all day long." I put my hands on my hips. "All day, every day. I want to lay you down and kiss every single inch of you. I want to claim every single part of you. I want to put my mark on you so bad. I want to go out and know that under your clothes, you have my mark." I watch her eyes to see if it’s too much for her. I watch her eyes to see if she feels the same way I do. "I want to take you home and make love to you." I finally say the words I’ve been dying to say, my heart beating so loud it echoes in my ears. "That is what I’ve thought about. I want you, Amelia."

She looks at me, and then she blinks, and her hand comes up to wipe the tear before it runs down her face. My stomach sinks in fear that I’ve scared her in some way or another, so I reach out for her, cupping her face with my hands. "I’m sorry," I say, my thumbs rubbing her cheeks.

"No one …" she says and looks down, but I move her face up with my hands.

"Don’t hide from me," I say. "Whatever you do, don’t hide from me."

She starts over. "No one has ever said that Copyright 2016 - 2024