Southern Secrets (Southern #7) - Natasha Madison Page 0,35


She avoids my eyes and puts her purse on the couch, and then goes to sit down. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"If I asked you, it’s because I want to know," I say, ignoring the heat that comes up my neck.

"Asher," she says his name, and I close my eyes. "He was a mess," she says and I hold up my hand.

"I’m sure he would have been that way for any of us." I turn, not ready to have this conversation with her. Not ready to have this conversation with anyone actually. Making my way to the shower, I stand under the hot water for a couple of minutes, letting it seep into me.

When I woke up in the dark, I was so confused and scared. Especially when I couldn’t remember where I was. Then I heard his voice and felt his hand in mine, and a calmness came over me. I knew I would be okay.

When I walk back out of the bathroom, Chelsea is sitting on my bed with her phone in her hand. "How do you feel?"

"Tired," I say, climbing into bed. "And like I got hit on the head with a baseball bat."

"I think that is pretty accurate," Chelsea says, laughing from beside me.

"On a scale of one to ten …" I look over at her. "Do you think anyone is going to forget that I can’t go to work on Monday?"

She gets up and laughs, shaking her head. "I’m going to go with one hundred."

I laugh at her, knowing the last thing anyone in my family will let me forget is that I have to be rested. I’m about to say something when we both hear the front door open and slam closed.

I hear the boots on the floor, and I hold my breath, hoping that he just goes to his room. But I should have known better than that. His body fills the doorway, and my heart speeds up while my mouth gets suddenly dry.

"Asher," I say his name in almost a whisper. He looks like he’s been through war. His hands are dirty, and his face shows that he has dirt also on his cheek.

"Hey," he says, walking into the room. "I got here as soon as I could. How are you feeling?"

"I’m okay," I answer him, and his eyes never leave mine.

"Mayson is waiting for you outside." He finally turns to Chelsea.

"I thought you were going to stay with me." I look over at Chelsea. "You told the doctor that you would watch me." I sit up, ignoring the way my head throbs.

"I told her that I would do it," Asher says, and Chelsea just looks at me, trying to hide her smile. "It made no sense for her to stay here with you." I want to tell him it makes no sense for him to stay here with me, but all the words get stuck in my throat. "I can look after her," Asher says, and Chelsea just shrugs.

"I’ll call you later," she says, leaning over and hugging me. "Go easy on him," she whispers in my ear, and she kisses my cheek.

"Thank you," he tells her when she gets close to him, "for keeping me in the loop tonight."

"I didn’t think I had much choice in that matter," she tells him and then turns to me. "Call me as soon as you wake up tomorrow." I just nod at her as she looks back at Asher one last time and then walks out of the house.

"Do you need anything?" Asher asks me, and I can see that his shirt is dirty and so are his jeans, and I wonder what he has been up to.

"No," I say. "I’m fine." He just stands there with his hands on his hips, looking at me. "I don’t need anyone to look after me."

"Why are you like this?" he asks, throwing up his hands. "Why can’t you just accept the help?" He runs his hands through his hair. His brown eyes looking almost black.

"Because I learned a long time ago that I can only depend on myself." I wipe away the tear before it falls down my cheek. "I learned that the hard way." I swallow down the lump that was building up. "And I’ll never go through that again."

Chapter 15


She looks straight in my eyes, her voice never wavering as she says the words that I know hurt her. "And I’ll never go through that again."

I want to ask her all Copyright 2016 - 2024