Southern Secrets (Southern #7) - Natasha Madison Page 0,27

than I thought would be," she says, looking toward the crowd, then turning back and smiling big. "But it’s so fucking awesome," she says, clapping her hands over her head. "Now let's get the drinks flowing."

I’ve never seen her this happy. Usually, she reserves her happiness and doesn’t really let it show.

"Who hasn’t been served?" I ask the crowd, and we work side by side. I spend more time than I want to looking over at her as she works the crowd. I look to the side and see Ethan.

"Where the fuck is my beer?" he asks, and it’s my turn to laugh as I turn, going to grab a glass at the same time Amelia does. She looks at me, and for one second, all the noise in the whole place is suddenly quiet.

"Take it," I say, and she grabs the glass and turns, and all I can do is smell her. I blink twice, turning and standing next to her while I prepare Ethan’s beer.

"Ethan doesn’t pay," she says, "and if he gives you money and you take it, I will shove my boot up your ass."

"Why do I get a boot up my ass if he doesn’t listen?" I laugh, looking at her, and she just shrugs, putting down the beer and snapping her finger to take another order.

"I was told," I say to Ethan, handing him his beer, "that if you give me money, she is going to shove her boot up my ass." I turn, going to grab a water bottle.

Ethan laughs when I hand him the bottle. "That’s okay," he says. "I usually go and pay at the sports bar." My mouth goes open wide in shock. "Or I leave it in her tip jar when she isn’t watching."

"So stubbornness runs in the family?" I ask, and he laughs.

"You tell me." He takes a sip of his beer. "You tried telling my grandfather that he needed to watch you do all the work. How did that go?"

I shake my head. "He tried to take out a wooden post the other day without batting an eye." Working side by side with Billy was an experience I will always remember and is up there on the top five best things that ever happened to me, and so far, I only have three.

"Let me know if you need anything else," I say and turn to go back to serving people.

I turn and see a group of six girls sitting at the end of the bar. "What can I get you?" I stretch my arms on the side and hold on to the bar.

"That is a loaded question," one of the blondes says, leaning into the bar. Her top is riding just a touch too low. "What’s your specialty?"

"Beer," I say, and she laughs while the brunette cuts in.

"I’ll have a beer with a blowjob on the side." She winks at me, and my face almost grimaces.

"Oh, I’ll do a blowjob also," the other blonde says.

"Six blowjobs," the blonde says. "I’m Amanda."

I force a smile on my face. "I’ll be right back." Turning and grabbing six shot glasses, I line them up in front of them. I walk over to Amelia, who is pouring a whiskey. "Do you have whipped cream?" I ask, and she looks over at me.

"Does this look like a place that has whipped cream?" She laughs. "Why?"

"They want blowjob shots." I motion with my head toward the girls. She throws her head back and laughs.

"Like those girls swallow." She laughs, and for the second time tonight, I’m left speechless.

"That’s a no, then," I say, trying to hide my smirk.

"They are just going to have to swallow without the cream." She smiles sweetly.

"Okay, boss." I grab the Baileys and go back to the glasses. "Ladies, no whipped cream." I look at them. "Do you still want them?"

"Sure," the brunette says. I pour the Kahlua first and then top it with Baileys. "Aren’t you doing a shot with us?"

"I can’t drink on the job," I say. "That’ll be thirty dollars."

The blonde takes a fifty out of her purse. "Keep the change." I nod my head and turn around, putting the money in the till.

"Twenty-dollar tip for six shots?" Amelia asks when I put a twenty in the tip jar, and I ignore her.

"Guess they have money to spare." I look over and serve two more ladies who smile at me.

"Cowboy," the blonde from before calls me over. I don’t want to go, and I almost ask Copyright 2016 - 2024