The Soul Collector - By Tamela Quijas Page 0,59

the words, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill. Unable to think of a plausible excuse, Eva shrugged again, too tired to care to phrase any sort of response.

“You can't explain yourself?” Lucien managed through a clenched jaw, pausing as a frown pursed his brow.

….back off

“The last thing I need is you, Reese!” He snarled in a low voice. He stood in Eva's path, forcing her to halt in her own sleep befuddled steps, her features tense and drawn.


“You can't ever do that again!”

“I couldn't help it,” she mumbled, the words disjointed. She rubbed her eyes with her fingers, the pain behind the burning orbs informing her of an ensuing headache.

“You can’t touch me when I'm working.” He raked trembling hands through his hair. Lucien shuddered before he flung himself away, throwing his hands up in resignation.

The paranormal investigators took their respective turns touring the Mendelssohn site. Each investigator had been paired with a partner as they explored the darkened house, and there had been a mass of digital recordings and personal experiences. Eva noticed, from her place before the various computer screens placed in the van, there had been a few mystifying sounds. The evening had been calm, until the murmur of a disembodied voice had been detected. The tones had been barely recognizable, but they were unmistakable on the high-tech equipment.

When the opportunity for Eva's turn had arrived, she had assumed she be either Deborah or Brice’s partner. Instead, a bare handed and grim-faced Lucien accompanied her. She should have known the night would turn from bad to worse the moment he approached. The sight of his bare hands, the disfigured palm concealed against his trousers, caused Reese to vanish in a huff of chill wind.

She remained at Lucien’s side as they traversed the darkened halls and rooms. Ethan had taken the place of one of the camera operators and the pair trailed a discreet distance. The youth was silent, focused, and kept the soundman close to his side.

She wasn't disappointed. Lucien was thorough and exacting in his investigation. Granted, his unspoken power gave him an advantage. The darkness seemed as thick as a blanket, holding secrets invisible to the common eye, but he could travel the halls of the old building without fumbling about in desperation.

….damn, he's pissed

“Reese.” Eva warned beneath her breath. Somehow, she sensed his normal, smart-assed repertoire wouldn't be appreciated.

“Vanish, Reese!” The command was obvious in the low growl of the words and Eva shuddered. Cold, calculating, and infuriated was a side of Lucien she’d never wanted to witness.

….can't tell me, D'Angel

“Don't tempt me.”

Lucien's words came from clenched teeth. He swirled about, his dark coat spinning wide. The threat he delivered was clear, for he hadn’t sheathed his hands into the familiar leather of his fingerless gloves. The slight glow emanating from his palm was sufficient warning of his power.

….Evie wouldn't allow

“Reese.” she pleaded, noting the obvious battle of wills as the sepia image stepped before her. She understood her brother would do his damnedest to prevent any harm from befalling her. She shut her eyes, blocking her brother's concerned features. “He's won't hurt me.”

….You think not, Evie?


….you forget the Destroyer

"Lucien’s not him,” she whispered. She opened her eyes and lifted her chin, a shroud-like coldness covering her, and knew Reese attempted to envelop her.

….he wouldn't dare.

“He won't, Reese.” She sighed. “I think there's a million other things he would like to do with me, but murder isn’t anywhere on the immediate list.”

Lucien's jaw clenched and he stared into Eva's trusting features. He lifted a pale hand and paused on the lenses. He pulled the offending weight from his face, almost crushing the frames, and peered at her with glowing black eyes.

“I won't harm her.” He heaved the promise, still refusing to stare into her brother's shadowy image. There was the obvious sound of crunching vertebrae when he rolled his shoulders, attempting to relieve his tenseness. “Although I would enjoy breaking her lovely little neck at this moment, I vow I won’t harm a single hair on her body.”


She strove to calm her frayed nerves. It wouldn't do for Reese to see her so unsettled by Lucien's warranted fury. She had just about blown the assignment, and risked revealing Lucien's secret to the public.

“Go, Reese.”



His image faltered and wavered, echoing with uncertainty. A blast of a sudden and sighing breath filled the hall before warmth flooded her. Eva stared into Lucien's lightening eyes as the remnants of her brother's familiar scent lingered.

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